You're trolling just as badly as he is, and honestly I've not really suffered from any sort of severe gaming addiction. I broke my Warcraft III CD at one point because I was playing too much, that was about as bad as it got. I have had addiction issues, but I would say they are of a quite different sort.
And I notice you try to tell people how they should live, a lot. On this board. I don't like that much. Especially when - forgive me for saying this - I don't think you have anywhere near the intelligence that Kup does. You fly off the handle a lot (so do I, but he doesn't). You're at best a semieducated bouncer - to me, anyway - whereas he's going to be a Ph.D. I easily believe Kup knows far more about research than you do.
As far as "experts" being assholes on the internet/television, my main problem with the ones who claim to be experts on addiction is that, quite frankly, I think they say some really hurtful shit, often to pursue their own agendas as opposed to the greater good of the issues they're dealing with.
Or, to come at it from a different perspective, Andrew Vestal, the former webmaster of (now, who I still stay in touch with, plays a tremendous amount of World of Warcraft. He also works at Blizzard, and seems pretty happy with his life in general. He stays in touch with co-workers there via WoW and for him it seems to be an effective release. Nevertheless, I'm pretty sure I could dredge up an "expert" or two who'd say he's addicted and needs to go to gaming rehab.
I hate those kinds of people. I believe that, as long as you're not causing problems to anyone else, it's your life and you should live it as you damn well please. I note that you seem to have a problem with that.
Thankfully, it is your problem, not mine. I will continue to crap on so-called experts who I think trade more on reputation and/or some sort of overhyped credential than on actual fact/desire to help, I hope Kup maintains his skepticism as well, and...well, you kinda pissed me off here, and since we're all trolling, I hope Santa brings you a few extra brain cells for Christmas, because right now I wouldn't accept you as an expert on how to wipe your ass properly.
Ahhhh. That one felt good. I may have to have another at some point. For now, I'll wait to see you fly into a brutal rage, the way you do every time someone criticizes you...