If only they would make that game =)
-Insert Inspiring Quote-
Reading the hiragana and katakana characters is what I meant =PAndrew, Killer Bee wrote:You are completely mental Seek, heh.
"I can't speak Japanese!"
"It's not such a big deal, just learn it! Should only take a couple of months."
Dude, people go to university for years to learn a language. My cousin's been in Japan for three years and his understanding of the language is rudimentary, at best. It's not that easy.
And I can talk it but not read it. They're two different languages, that's why. There are hundreds of dialects which all have come from the written (classic) language, but that's not really spoken anymore. I speak one particular dialect and have a difficult time with the others. I can understand about half of the Iraqi spoken on TV, most of the Lebanese, two-thirds of the Egyptian, parts of the Syrian and Jordanian. It's a little on the complicated side, so it's understandable that you can't understand the spoken languageNev wrote:Reading an alphabet is not the same as speaking the language. I can read Arabic phonetically, for instance, but I'm lost with the language itself.