kali o. wrote:You are full of shit. In the same vien that Nintendo fans build up F5 or Retro solely because there was nothing else on the GC (RS was average at best).
What's your comparitives? The ever mentioned GE007, that is always viewed through rose-coloured glasses? DK 64? Maybe you mean Mickeys Speedway?
The solid truth of the matter is Nintendo fans have always falsely inflated Rare games, period. Nothing from their past equals the technical excellence they achieved with Kameo. They are better today than they ever were...and your only arguement to the contrary is an admittedly rushed launch game named PDZ.
Blast Corps, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark (better than Goldeneye IMO), Diddy Kong Racing (as a single player game)...these were all incredible games and many were at the top of their genres on consoles at that time. Conker was an excellent parody of 3D platformers and Banjo Kazooie, even with its bad camera, was one of the few platformers that could even be talked about in the same breath as Mario 64 (there weren't many decent 3D platformers back then, so it wasn't much of a contest, but BK was still a good game with a very bad camera).
If you're doubting the importance of Goldeneye not only to Nintendo, but to console FPSs and to console multiplayer in general, you're far more biased than anyone you're accusing. We're not talking about personal preference here. It's no secret I dislike FF7, but I would never on any doubt discount its importance or the technical level of the game at that time. That's just silly.
GE changed FPSs, period. It not only made it a viable multiplayer format on consoles, which was not seen before that, it brought social gaming on consoles to the forefront. It was a VERY important game at the time. It also was extremely well done in both the single and multiplayer aspects, that's what made it popular in the first place.
All games have to be judged at the time they're released. Super Mario Bros at the time was fucking spectacular yet it seems to be very simplistic with simplistic graphics and controls nowadays. But even you can't doubt the importance or quality of that one. Goldeneye was one of those games in a generation that stands out far and above the others. There are only three or four each gen, including FF7 from that generation or Halo from the previous generation.
Rare didn't make its name in the N64 days from only Nintendo fanboys. There were computer gamers coming to my store who were looking for a used N64 with Goldeneye and 4 controllers just to play it. They earned their keep through continous excellent quality. Sure they had some mediocre games like Jet Force Gemini or DK64, but they created very high quality, fun-ass games back then in general. That's what made them popular.
This is why everyone looks at what they've done in the newly dead generation and say "what the fuck?". Star Fox Adventures, It's Mr. Pants, Saber Wulf, Grabbed by the Goulies....man, MAYBE you could consider one of these games decent...maybe. When you look at what they did on the N64, it's like they're a completely different developer. Then you look at the 360 and you get one good game (Viva), one mediocre game (Kameo), and a hugely disappointing sequel to maybe it's best game (PDZ). This is why people have said they suck now versus then. It's 'cause they do.
I owned all of the systems at the time and played the vast majority of the popular games. Unlike you, I actually have a comparison point. You've always disliked Nintendo and use your bias to discount ANYTHING related to them. Then, anyone who dares to be a fan of something they do then defends your ridiculous, baseless arguments and attacks you slam.
Just admit you're a hater, period. You don't have to explain why you constantly slam them, you just do. Fine. But don't go around insulting those who actually try shit and then develop an opinion rather than vice versa.