Nev wrote: I won't have to worry about your lying ass pulling backdoors to try to ruin my rep here anymore.
Failing that, get cancer.
Love, Nev
Ruin your "rep"? Heh, jesus...
Bottomline is this little buddy, people here aren't as stupid as you'd like to believe(or you are not as smart as you'd like to believe). Let's recap what you are selling:
Kali is known to be an asshole, who while usually joking, finds it much more entertaining when it's not clear.
Kali get's into a back and forth with Nev, a moderator, who was attacking Don. Kali later rips into Nev about a real life threat and his generally creepy behaviour. Kali then lays out a most wicked plan to delete his own posts in order to make Nev "look bad", requiring - on retrospect - a fair amount of psychic ability and mad hacking skills. Kali is, as far as he knows, not psychic...or at least not to the extent it would require to plan out this little episode with the precision displayed. Kali has absolutely ZERO history of showing any interest or discussion on technical concepts such as "hacking".
Here is what happened in my world:
Nev has an admitted history of depression, bipolar, drug abuse/usage, addiction, recent life failures that made him angry, problems dealing with others in real life, random unprovoked over-the-line attacks on posters, uttering real life threats, is a MODERATOR and enjoys concepts such as programming.
Nev deleted a post, realized he was stupid to do so and the rest is all creepy backtracking/ass covering/lying, spurred on by Kali for everyone's enjoyment.
There is a reason judges take certain liberties when assessing truth and employ commonsense. Many people will take a lie to heights few of us can imagine...I mean, can you ever REALLY prove/know something without seeing it yourself? Some people here will give you the benefit of the doubt, I'm sure - but that's up to them.
Maybe they'll look at your 'really trying sell some theory you've admitted you can't prove' and going out of your way to make visible signs you're trying to combat Kali-the-hacker (like adding "41" to one of your posts, bumping a post in GT, daring me to "hack again") as genuine justified fervor...heh, maybe.
I personally know you're fucked up and creepy and possibly even dangerously delusional; what other people think is irrelevant to me. I contend only one thing - you should NOT be a mod. You've deleted at least one post you'll admit to, fucked with the sites code, bumped 5 year old threads in other forums and spammed nonesense all in effort to fight what amounts to you taking a wild stab in the dark that I'm doing something you can't prove (pretending it's all not just you fucking doing it yourself, because you're insane).
You can't argue with any of that last part - so I'll have my *giggle* when Sine quits having a life and stops by...what we do till then is nothing but entertaining me Nev - remember that.