Oracle wrote:Zeus : You officially now hate Futureshop as well. Futureshop is owned by Best Buy. Best Buy entered Canada as an artificial competitor to Futureshop.
I'm not saying you shouldn't hate both of them, because I sure as hell do (especially after working for Best Buy). I'm just stating something that you may or may not have already known.
Oh I know. And trust me, I play them off of each other and force them to price match CONSTANTLY. I got Futureshop to price match Best Buy on Kingdom Hearts 2 which dropped the price from $55 to $16.50 (Best Buy was at $20 and they had to give an extra 10% off the diff, which is $3.50). And I got Futureshop to price match Walmart on Final Fantasy 5 Advance to drop it from $40 to $14.50. I do it all the time.
But I need to find a way to Ish them even worse. If there's anything I despise it's predatory practices by companies against unsuspecting customers. There's a certain "you won't purposely fuck me" implied consent with companies that constantly claim they've got the best prices and even price match to prove it. And this isn't the first time they've done it either (see my other posts). It's only since Best Buy has taken them over it's been this bad, it wasn't in the past with Futureshop. They deserve to pay and I"ll find a way to make them pay.
I made EB pay....a lot. So much so they changed their policies 'cause I Ished them so much they could barely figure out what hit them. They probably only figured it out 'cause I was so unapologetically blatant about it. There's a company that not only will fuck the customer when they can, they also fuck their employees constantly. I have to find a way to make Best Buy pay hard for this and other shit they've pulled.
Legal way, of course :-)