The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

  • American fear policy at work

  • Somehow, we still tolerate each other. Eventually this will be the only forum left.
Somehow, we still tolerate each other. Eventually this will be the only forum left.

 #104871  by Zeus
 Thu Feb 01, 2007 1:35 pm
This story makes me laugh. I don't know why, it just does

 #104875  by Julius Seeker
 Thu Feb 01, 2007 2:03 pm
Heh, it made me laugh too. This is like the type of News Story you would read in a Sim City 2000 News Paper report =P

 #104911  by Ishamael
 Thu Feb 01, 2007 11:50 pm
It's retardation run amok!

Boston officials went overboard in their reaction to a harmless marketing campaign (I don't even consider this a prank) and now they're pissed for looking stupid and want bloood.

 #104913  by Chris
 Thu Feb 01, 2007 11:53 pm
that wasn't a question about hair......I love these guys

 #104936  by SineSwiper
 Fri Feb 02, 2007 10:04 pm

I think this sums it up quite nicely, especially the rant in the middle.

I seriously ROFLed when I saw the first clip of these bomb "experts" pulling out a Moonite board after they exploded it.

EDIT: Found this on Fark. Funny as hell!

 #104952  by Zeus
 Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:18 am
Ishamael wrote:It's retardation run amok!

Boston officials went overboard in their reaction to a harmless marketing campaign (I don't even consider this a prank) and now they're pissed for looking stupid and want bloood.
Exactly. They're fucking morons and they want Turner to pay for their idiocy. I love to blame companies, especially ones like Turner, but really, THEY DID NOTHING WRONG. Just 'cause people are over-reacting morons don't mean it's their fault. One look at it by anyone with functioning brain cells and you could easily see that it's not a freakin' explosive device. How this got to be a city-wide scare is what the real issue is. It shoulda been shot down by the person the first policeman called in who actually knows how to find a door to get out of the house in the morning (can't trust the policeman to have that kind of intelligence).

The real result of this shouldn't be to punish Turner (the symptom) it should be to fix the societal problems that led to this severe overreaction for no fucking reason whatsoever (the disease). But, since when do people treat the disease and not the symptom?

Look at the medical industry

 #105052  by Nev
 Thu Feb 08, 2007 4:42 pm
I'm just dumbfounded at how out of touch the city officials are...

I mean, I can sympathize with the bomb scare fears if one is a city official, but once they found out they'd fucked up, I can't understand why they don't just shine it on and admit to looking a bit foolish. They could've played it off humorously and gotten at least a little P.R. mileage out of it.

I've seen references to this story at three different webcomics and now here, and none of them have been positive towards the city of Boston in the slightest. Surely they must realize at this point that a good portion of Internet-goers think they're out of their fucking minds. :D

 #105053  by Nev
 Thu Feb 08, 2007 4:47 pm
Oh, and Zeus - totally agreed about Turner. I don't have a lot of love for his corporate enterprises, but on this one, I'm almost pissed on his behalf. God forbid someone should actually pull off a decently clever viral marketing campaign these days...

You know, I didn't actually realize it when I first heard about it, but this actually probably makes the marketing campaign more successful by a factor of a few hundred thousand. Wonder if some people at Turner are just laughing their asses off right about now... ;)

 #105062  by Julius Seeker
 Thu Feb 08, 2007 6:19 pm
Reminds me a lot of when those girls made those Super Mario Question blocks, and people FREAKED out about it.

 #105082  by Zeus
 Fri Feb 09, 2007 8:19 am
The Seeker wrote:Remindfs me a lot of when those girls made those Super Mario Question blocks, and people FREAKED out about it.
That was another stupid reaction where city officials tried to blame someone else for their idiocy. There's nothing wrong in taking something seriously, but check it out first and when you find out there's nothing wrong then chill. If there's something wrong, freak out all you want. You don't freak out all you want, find out there's nothing wrong, then go on a witchhunt, it's fucking ridiculous.

These people need to understand that they're not right just because they're in power. They have to own up to their mistakes too. But that's a part of the bigger problem of lack of accountability in the political system that's the fault of us, the public.

But that's a whole other topic.

 #105085  by Julius Seeker
 Fri Feb 09, 2007 8:46 am
Boston DOES have a history of Witchhunts, however, =)

 #105115  by Nev
 Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:11 am


z0mgz0rz run