Zeus wrote:Eric wrote:Zeus wrote:Eric, the RE films were FAAAR closer to the source material than this drudge.
No, it's not.
RE1 was like watching return of the living dead meets aliens, with a little bit of the matrix thrown in(I can jump off walls and kick dogs! LAWL)
RE2 was like watching Night of the Living Dead meets the Matrix.
They throw in things from Resident Evil, but none of the shit is relavent, or even makes sense.
Nemesis got a fucking conscience, Alice fought Nemesis IN HAND TO HAND COMBAT AND WON. Jill Valentine walked into a police station and shot 3 zombies in the head. There was another Ashford in Racoon City regardles of the fact the fucking family was wiped out prior to RE: Code Veronica with only Alfred as the sole survivor.
Fuck the Resident Evil movie series, if you want to sit up here and say Transformers isn't close to the source material don't come up and say this bullshit movie with some made up retarded character Alice and it's matrix inspired non-stop action is close to RE's source material.