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  • "300" A movie about Sparta the Battle of Thermopylae

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
 #103268  by Julius Seeker
 Sat Dec 09, 2006 10:51 am

Now, first, this movie is easily just the latest movie to capitalize on the demand for Lord of the Rings/Gladiator style movies. Though, these are always fun (in my opinion the best one of the copycat films so far is either King Arthur or Kingdom of Heaven). There are a lot of them coming out in recent times. It looks like it could be fun.

Historically, this film looks terrible: it does not take a genius to see that this is obviously NOT how the battle of Thermopylae was fought =P

First of all, there were not only 300 Spartans on the field (as the trailer seems to indicate), there were about 7000 Greeks altogether including 300 Spartans. They used their superior military formations and position to hold back the Persians. The Greeks used the phallanx maneuver which essentially has all the shields pressed together in the front along with shields blocking above, and spears through the gaps that they can attack the enemy with. The Persians, essentially could not get through. A spy revealed a passage way around the back, and so it is likely at this point that most of the Greeks retreated; it does not make sense that the King would simply dismiss most of his army. Though of the ones that remained, all 300 Spartans were accounted for.

Even though the enemy was now able to sneak around the back, the greeks still had a superior position, and therefore delt heavy damage to the Persian forces. The Persians killed all of the Greeks in the end.

The movie claims 1 million Persians, though this is grossly innacurate. First of all, even by tradition, this number is incorrect. The number of Persians mentioned was 1.7 million in the Greek myths. The actual number is debated, but was probably between 60,000 and 120,000. Ancients love to blow their numbers way out of proportion. It makes little sense that armies decreased as populations skyrocketed; during the time of the Roman Empire, when records were much more accurate, the military numbers never reached anywhere near the numbers that Greeks often say fought in battles; and the Romans had the largest and most highly populated empire that history had ever seen at this point; and were also militaristic.

Of course, no one can say for sure how large the numbers were. We do not have enough evidence, all is just educated speculation.

Anyways, I didn't mean to go on this long:

The movie looks like it might be fun =)

 #103270  by Nev
 Sat Dec 09, 2006 12:18 pm
I'll see it if it's good. I love a good historical war movie.

 #103277  by Flip
 Sat Dec 09, 2006 6:49 pm
It is a Frank Miller adaptation, so it will be very entertaining if you ignore the historical inaccuracies.

 #103282  by Chris
 Sat Dec 09, 2006 8:52 pm
damn I wanted to be the one to point out that's it's a comic book movie and not a historical movie. plus it's based on one of the only really good book frank miller put out so I'm excited to see if it is as good as the book....

 #103294  by Julius Seeker
 Sun Dec 10, 2006 10:53 am
Flip wrote:It is a Frank Miller adaptation, so it will be very entertaining if you ignore the historical inaccuracies.
I agree, historical accuracy is not recommended for this film. Other examples of similar movies that are better by not being historically accurate are Braveheart and Gladiator. People often argue that these are bad movies because they are not historically accurate; I mean it is alright to point out the historical innacuracies, but that really has nothing to do with how good or bad a movie is.

 #103310  by Ishamael
 Sun Dec 10, 2006 8:42 pm
After watching the (very cool) previews for this thing, I'm suprised anyone could walk away being concerned about historical accuracy. I'm sure that was the farthest thing from Frank Miller's mind. ;)

 #105629  by Chris
 Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:28 am
just though I would revive this thread after Wondercon and inform you guys. HOLY FUCKING FUCKETY FUCK THAT WAS FUCKING AMAZING.

Seriously Jean sploogingly awesome

One of the most beautiful pieces of cinematic work I have seen in years.....

Zack Snyder is now my movie god. Please let him direct more movies. Any movies be they remakes, comic books, Original features. the guy is amazing.

Seriously an amazing movie. the reviews don't lie this is just too good

 #105681  by bovine
 Sat Mar 10, 2007 2:26 pm
yeah, it was really good.

 #105688  by Chris
 Sun Mar 11, 2007 1:14 am
Man I can never look at apples teh same again.....but hey, we're all civilized men here.

 #105694  by Zeus
 Sun Mar 11, 2007 6:21 pm
I agree, it was good

 #105700  by Imakeholesinu
 Mon Mar 12, 2007 2:10 am
Great film. Shitty theater. Why the FUCK would anyone allow fucking 7th graders into watch this fucking film? The kids were fucking bouncing off the fucking wall throughout the fucking movie. I was so pissed. Not to mention, the bitch at the entrance sent me to the wrong theater so I sat on my ass for an hour and a half waiting for the movie to start while the goonies made "your momma" jokes and wouldn't shut the fuck up. I should have fucking shot the dad that brought them in there. With all the titty that was in the film and not only that but the gore, it makes me wonder if he thought columbine was a bunch of crazy teenagers who played doom or not. If not, then I say don't blame the media, blame yourself for exposing your 4 kids to this film dumb shit.

 #105771  by Chris
 Wed Mar 14, 2007 4:53 am
Barret wrote:Great film. Shitty theater. Why the FUCK would anyone allow fucking 7th graders into watch this fucking film? The kids were fucking bouncing off the fucking wall throughout the fucking movie. I was so pissed. Not to mention, the bitch at the entrance sent me to the wrong theater so I sat on my ass for an hour and a half waiting for the movie to start while the goonies made "your momma" jokes and wouldn't shut the fuck up. I should have fucking shot the dad that brought them in there. With all the titty that was in the film and not only that but the gore, it makes me wonder if he thought columbine was a bunch of crazy teenagers who played doom or not. If not, then I say don't blame the media, blame yourself for exposing your 4 kids to this film dumb shit.
yeah I was really amazed at some of the idiots when I saw it this was like cookie monster eating popcorn.....I wanted to turn around and chop their left leg off. fuckers. Still though I am happy to say it stands up to a second viewing and is still just as amazingly badass as it was the first time

 #105817  by SineSwiper
 Sat Mar 17, 2007 2:57 pm
Chris Hansbrough wrote:I wanted to turn around and chop their left leg off. fuckers.
Sadly, you probably couldn't pull off the slow-motion SFX that the movie had.

 #105850  by Chris
 Sun Mar 18, 2007 1:19 am
SineSwiper wrote:
Chris Hansbrough wrote:I wanted to turn around and chop their left leg off. fuckers.
Sadly, you probably couldn't pull off the slow-motion SFX that the movie had.
yeah...I dd like the historical truth that really the spartans lived for so long because of their ability to controll time

 #105851  by bovine
 Sun Mar 18, 2007 1:30 am
some frame comparisons between the movie and the comic/graphic novel ... 262551703/

I don't know.... is this a spoiler? I would recommend you follow this link if you've seen the movie.... but I don't think it spoils the story in any way, most of the frames are straight from the movie trailer.

 #105893  by SineSwiper
 Tue Mar 20, 2007 10:31 am
bovine wrote:some frame comparisons between the movie and the comic/graphic novel ... 262551703/
Yeah, it's pretty nice when you don't even need to hire a storyboard illustrator. "Hey, what's the next scene?" "I dunno, flip the page!"
bovine wrote:I don't know.... is this a spoiler? I would recommend you follow this link if you've seen the movie.... but I don't think it spoils the story in any way, most of the frames are straight from the movie trailer.
Nah, didn't see anything. Besides, what is it going to spoil? That the Spartans kick some ass?

I would be curious as to what exactly was remotely historically accurate. Is this like an exaggeration of history, like Spartans talking about creatures that were "this big", or is this more like Calgulia, where there's no such thing as a "neckmower"?

 #105897  by Flip
 Tue Mar 20, 2007 12:19 pm
I like how they presented the movie as a legendary tall tale. The narrator was the only survivor and the one who was recounting the events to hype up the other soldiers, so i'm sure he took some literary license to make the story better.

Of course, there is no way it happened like this, but the movie doesnt try to pass it off as historical truth since they had the narrator. It was a soldier's tale exagerated much like sea captains and shipmates do.

 #105903  by Ishamael
 Tue Mar 20, 2007 8:04 pm
Flip has it right. It kills me to hear so many people call this a "historical" epic. Apparently any movie set in a period of time counts as "historical". This is a movie based on a cool graphic novel that used a legendary battle as the setting. There was a Thermopylae. There was a Leonidas. There was a Xerces. End of historical accuracy. :)

 #106115  by Julius Seeker
 Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:14 pm
Well, according to Rotten Tomatoes, the press are giving it an average of 49%...... They're being very generous. This movie is terrible.

Alright, we all knew this wasn't going to be a historical movie, so that is irrelevant. As far as being accurate to the legend, that should have been a little more relevant, but it was nothing of the sort. I found what was left:

Plot: Incredibly shallow, the plot made Hercules the Legendary Journeys seem deep in comparison. It was more or less just a bad main plot with poorly tacked on subplots. The story was boring.

Special effects: they were stupid, the backgrounds looked terrible, the slow motion effects and rock music can't be described as anything but stupid. The special effects looked incredibly fake for the most part, this was a huge step back from what we have seen in the genre even since Braveheart's puppet horses. This was cheesy in a bad way. The best part of the movie, visually, were the titty shots. The battle scenes were not good.

All in all, I found it mildly entertaining, but only because some of the things, like a 9 foot tall meterosexual pierced up Candyman as Xerxes, which were just too ridiculous for words. The best part of the movie were the titty scenes, and that is just sad. This about sums up all positive things I can actually say about the movie.

 #106116  by bovine
 Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:20 pm
I disagree entirely. With the exception of the shallow plot, I'll give you that one.

 #106121  by Lox
 Thu Mar 29, 2007 1:04 am
Wow. That's all I can say about this movie. Wow.

Just got back from the 10:30 showing.

I might just have to see it again in the theater.

 #106123  by Eric
 Thu Mar 29, 2007 6:11 am
The Seeker wrote:Well, according to Rotten Tomatoes, the press are giving it an average of 49%...... They're being very generous. This movie is terrible.

Alright, we all knew this wasn't going to be a historical movie, so that is irrelevant. As far as being accurate to the legend, that should have been a little more relevant, but it was nothing of the sort. I found what was left:

Plot: Incredibly shallow, the plot made Hercules the Legendary Journeys seem deep in comparison. It was more or less just a bad main plot with poorly tacked on subplots. The story was boring.

Special effects: they were stupid, the backgrounds looked terrible, the slow motion effects and rock music can't be described as anything but stupid. The special effects looked incredibly fake for the most part, this was a huge step back from what we have seen in the genre even since Braveheart's puppet horses. This was cheesy in a bad way. The best part of the movie, visually, were the titty shots. The battle scenes were not good.

All in all, I found it mildly entertaining, but only because some of the things, like a 9 foot tall meterosexual pierced up Candyman as Xerxes, which were just too ridiculous for words. The best part of the movie were the titty scenes, and that is just sad. This about sums up all positive things I can actually say about the movie.

 #106244  by Tessian
 Sat Apr 07, 2007 11:52 pm
I just saw it today....DAMN that was amazing to watch.

I had one problem...or one thing that stuck in my mind.

The overall theme I got from the movie (which the King said a lot) was about how free men were fighting against tyranny...

Since when were Spartan's free? You're drafted into the army at a very young age and forced to fight...not very free at all.

Oh, and Seeker-- you need to stfu :P Look at the link Sephy posted, this was heavily based off a comic, including the stuff you're complaining about.

 #106245  by Chris
 Sun Apr 08, 2007 1:20 am
Tessian wrote:I just saw it today....DAMN that was amazing to watch.

I had one problem...or one thing that stuck in my mind.

The overall theme I got from the movie (which the King said a lot) was about how free men were fighting against tyranny...

Since when were Spartan's free? You're drafted into the army at a very young age and forced to fight...not very free at all.

Oh, and Seeker-- you need to stfu :P Look at the link Sephy posted, this was heavily based off a comic, including the stuff you're complaining about.
they were fighting for a certain kind of freedm though. the freedom of their culture. I mean yeah they were a slave owning warrior society and that's what they were fighting for. It was thanks to this was that the greek empire was formed. In a way yes. they were fighting for freedom

 #106255  by Andrew, Killer Bee
 Mon Apr 09, 2007 9:59 pm
I didn't particularly like the constant freedom-touting. I haven't read the comic for a couple of years, but I don't remember it being so much about them fighting for freedom, but for justice, reason, independance, righteousness, all that good stuff. There's one panel in the comic that I remember particularly that the movie suffered for omitting - one of the Spartans yelling something like, "We're with you, sire! To the death!" and Leonidas responded with, "You don't have a choice. This is not a democracy."

All the freedom talk moved it uncomfortably into contemporary propaganda territory.