Flip wrote:The story tellers and artists are certainly talented. Glad to hear things are looking up.
Yeah it's interesting before it was all about the artwork in the 90's and really some great gems were overlooked. (Want a good comic....Possibly the greatest epic ever told was a 90's comic....Starman by James Robinson. One of the most human books ever written about superheroes and looked at as one f the greatest comics of all time along the lines of Sandman. other than that though....the 90's were awful with the death of superman and other dreck like it. There were some gems though The Flash was a consistenty good read as well as Grant Morrisons Justice League and X-men....that guy is so mindbendingly insane his stories end up as either classics or confusing messes.....Like the end of his X-men run where the villain was Xorn's twin pretending to be Xonrn Pretending to e Magneto Pretendng to be Xorn......GAH!!!! Now days there is quality all over the place. Christos Gage is the best writer in comics with Strmwatch. Marvel is putting out sme amazing cosmic stories and Peter David on X-Factor.....Plus their ext big epic event for this summer looks very promising in World War Hulk.
Yes World War Hulk. Reed Richards, Xavier, Iron Man, Black Panther, Namor, and Black Bolt dedcided the Hulk was too dangerous. So they shot him into space. he landed on a planet, fought in i's arena overthrew it's tyranical rules and became it's king.....then the ship they sent him to the planet on exploded and destroyed most of the planet....so now he and his gladiator buddies that survived are coming back to earth for a little revenge.....HULK SMASH PUNY CIVIL WAR! That looks very promising long with Annihilation :Conquest the second anihilation cosmic story. the first was one of the best comics in years and turned Nova into one of the most powerful characters in the Marvel Universe.
DC has some great stuff too. Justice League of america from Brad Meltzer has had a fun and interesting start. Not to mention Justice Society of America which is one of the best looking and best reading series in the last few years. 52 which was the weekly series this past year has had so much payoff in the last few weeks that every storyline is building to a crecendo of fun adventure and excitement....Plus Animal Man rules all....
Manhunter is the little title that could. It's been cancelled 3 times due to low sales (The market really isn't friendly to new characters....It's been one of the best written titles on the shelves over the ast few years. This last year saw the entrance of a new Blue Beetle series with an all new character in the suit which is a fantastic funny and smart read that can be shared with yer kids. Birds of Prey is another fantastic book month in and month out...
It's a great time to be a comic fan. While there is still some horrid crap out there (Anything written by Judd Winick) There is also some amazing stuff being put out like Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters (Sounds lame but was absolutely amazing) Jonah Hex (One of the best westerns out there. (Fantastic Book) Buffy the vampire Slayer :Season 8 (Yes the 8th season of buffy is being written by joss and put out as a comic. First issue came out last week) Another Serenity Miniseries (Joss Again) An Angel season 6 is planned as well (Go Joss Go) There are a ton more good books and now is a great time to hit up a local comic shop and check out some trades...