Here's an AMV of it, sorry about the J-Pop =P
If by chance you missed this one: it was a game released for the Sega Saturn; while not commercially successful (Sega is notorious for having games which underachieve in the sales department), it became one of those cult hits. I have been thinking a lot lately as to how this game would play on the Wii after seeing how Mario Galaxy plays. Either way, I would like to see this concept brought out to a broader audience. This is a game that Sega, sadly, didn't bring back last generation. Will they bring it back this generation I wonder?
Here's an AMV of it, sorry about the J-Pop =P
If by chance you missed this one: it was a game released for the Sega Saturn; while not commercially successful (Sega is notorious for having games which underachieve in the sales department), it became one of those cult hits. I have been thinking a lot lately as to how this game would play on the Wii after seeing how Mario Galaxy plays. Either way, I would like to see this concept brought out to a broader audience. This is a game that Sega, sadly, didn't bring back last generation. Will they bring it back this generation I wonder?
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