If anyone recalls, Churches denounced Pokemon as being demonic icons a few years ago.
I really hope they get sued

-Insert Inspiring Quote-
You REALLY need to get laid, BADLY.Kupek wrote:You say "they" as if it's the same people.
Not any chord struck at all, it was more like a "Are you fucking kidding me?!?!"Kupek wrote:I must have struck a chord. You didn't even try to justify your wording, you just went straight for the attack.
How do you know I'm prejudiced? You don't. You're just being a douche by making that assumption.Kupek wrote:Ah, I see. Calling you out on your prejudices makes me "socially inept." I'll be sure to warn my friends.
All Americans hate All Muslims? That's a Huge blanket statement that is very untrue and ignorant to claim. Americans hate Al Queda, Americans hate muslim extremists-- but that's got to be, what, 10% of the muslim population?bovine wrote:americans don't hate muslims?
I think bovine meant to say "The American government doesn't hate Muslims?" Therefore, that's how the rest of the world views America. And I also think he was being sarcastic. He's a political science junkie, and not at all for the ignorant blanket statements.Tessian wrote:All Americans hate All Muslims? That's a Huge blanket statement that is very untrue and ignorant to claim. Americans hate Al Queda, Americans hate muslim extremists-- but that's got to be, what, 10% of the muslim population?bovine wrote:americans don't hate muslims?
Someone here might take great offense to that statement!Eric wrote:Both of you motherbitches need Jesus.
No it wasn't. It was just a retarded statement.Tessian wrote:uhm...Kupek's point was perfectly valid
So? Are you really that fucking anal that you think it's wrong to say that there are black criminals and muslim hating Americans? You are even worse than Kupek.Tessian wrote:That's like saying "Americans hate muslims" or "Blacks are criminals".
The question is why should I give half a shit?Tessian wrote:So yes Seeker, you are a total idiot for not understanding that blanket statement he was calling you out on, AND you're a fucking douche for attacking him on it..
Good for you, do you want a cookie?Tessian wrote:Edit-- I'd like to point out as well that I actually hate church/religions...
Tessian wrote:You referred to "Churches" as if it's a single entity...like there aren't thousands of denominations of christian/catholic churches.
you're still making a blanket statement on something that was said by only the most radical idiotic of denominations.
Petty, unjustified, and completely uncalled for on Seek's part.The Seeker wrote:How do you know I'm prejudiced? You don't. You're just being a douche by making that assumption.Kupek wrote:Ah, I see. Calling you out on your prejudices makes me "socially inept." I'll be sure to warn my friends.
You're socially inept because you're one of those wankers who complains about everything that's not 100% politically correct. You're basicly, as I said, a douche.
*Ahem* Mod this:kali o. wrote:As a new moderator on the forums, I feel it is my duty to remind all of you I'd like far more flaming and creative insulting than what is currently occuring in this thread.
You have all been warned.
HOLY SHIT?!?!? ARE YOU SERIOUS??!!!! There are MORE that one denomination?!?!?! Seriously Tessian, if you honestly think that there is anyone here who doesn't know that there are multiple denominations in the Christian Church then I'm afraid you're both extremely ignorant and "functionally retarded." Also, if I am an idiot for not having perfect grammar, then you are too; look at your sentence and paragraph structure in above posts.Tessian wrote:what I said had nothing to do with political correctiveness. The fact of the matter is either you're functionally retarded and cramming all denominations into one entity, or you're just an idiot who doesn't know how to type a proper sentence. Due to your rantings on other topics I assumed you were the former..
My statement is obviously not all-inclusive, if I said "All churches" then it would be. Just simply saying "people have been talking," "churches have been arguing," "Countries have been coming to the aid of_," etc. implies "some" already. The Pokemon story is common knowledge here, there is no reason anyone here should be confused about it.Tessian wrote:You don't say "Churches denounced" you say "SOME Churches denounced..." you have to put a qualifier there or else your statement implies all churches which is the problem Kupek had with your comment.
You're certainly one to talk, you always make statements that are completely uncalled for. Then when you're called on it, you always run away or use your mental illness as a reason for your actions.Mental wrote:Petty, unjustified, and completely uncalled for on Seek's part.
Hmmm...I dunno on this one. A classic? Sure. But Creative? Tell ya what, run with it as your new "title" (points to BL's avatar) for awhile and tell me if it has any longevity.Black Lotus wrote:*Ahem* Mod this:kali o. wrote:As a new moderator on the forums, I feel it is my duty to remind all of you I'd like far more flaming and creative insulting than what is currently occuring in this thread.
You have all been warned.
That's creative, right? Right?
Ah, but unlike you, I try to listen to people, and can occasionally change my mind as well. In addition, you and kali are the only ones here who have a tendency to seriously dislike me, while literally half the membership of this board tends to loathe you at any given time.The Seeker wrote:You're certainly one to talk, you always make statements that are completely uncalled for. Then when you're called on it, you always run away or use your mental illness as a reason for your actions.Mental wrote:Petty, unjustified, and completely uncalled for on Seek's part.
Whaa-...What? Me too? And you bastards just let me walk around here thinking I was liked and accepted in this little community...the whole time all of you are whispering with Mental behind my back?!?Nev wrote: In addition, you and kali are the only ones here who have a tendency to seriously dislike me, while literally half the membership of this board tends to loathe you at any given time.
Alright lets just get one thing straight here Mental, I don't dislike you at all. I don't think I have ever said that. I'm just an asshole =)Nev wrote:
Ah, but unlike you, I try to listen to people, and can occasionally change my mind as well. In addition, you and kali are the only ones here who have a tendency to seriously dislike me
That was pretty well written, and i agree with all of it.Nev wrote:Ah, but unlike you, I try to listen to people, and can occasionally change my mind as well. In addition, you and kali are the only ones here who have a tendency to seriously dislike me, while literally half the membership of this board tends to loathe you at any given time.The Seeker wrote:You're certainly one to talk, you always make statements that are completely uncalled for. Then when you're called on it, you always run away or use your mental illness as a reason for your actions.Mental wrote:Petty, unjustified, and completely uncalled for on Seek's part.
As for mental illness, I don't think it would be too hard for a psychiatrist to read over your previous posts and diagnose you with what's called a "character disorder" - i.e., you're incapable of admitting error whatsoever. It's the "opposite" of neurosis, so to speak, and it's quite a legitimate group of related diagnoses, if I remember the concept correctly. The nice thing about my being bipolar is that it's given me a fair amount of experience with mental illnesses, and honestly I think your personality and mind are just about as likely to produce serious issues in your life as mine are - which is the usual criteria for being called mentally ill.
The only difference between me and you on that is that I admit to my mental illness and am working with people to treat it. You still consider your personality above reproach and start laughing whenever - as is a frequent occurrence - someone tells you that you're a complete fucking shithead to be around on here.
Really, I have no problems with my bipolar disorder. The fact that I'm one of those who's deciding to treat my illness, and treat it well, is something to be respected. I know it, and so do most of the people reading this thread. I only bring it up because I have to be my own best advocate about all of this stuff.
But by all means, keep giving me shit about it. I'm starting to like it, because the better I learn to defend myself against people who have no cultural compassion or sensitivity to it whatsoever, the stronger I feel in my own personality.
If I ever doubted you moderation wisdom, I take it all back now. BRING BACK BROTUS' TITLE!kali o. wrote:I removed the "titles" I gave out yesterday - just cause you know someone was gonna bitch about it (beyond the bitchin Mental already did in PMs).
However for the record, whether juvenile or not, "2nd in Command of Ass Infantry" was the best title, ever.