The Other Worlds Shrine

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  • Diesel Sweeties weighs in on Transformers

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.

 #107209  by SineSwiper
 Fri May 25, 2007 10:49 am
Autobots! SELL OUT!

Lemme guess...the movie blew?

 #107219  by Zeus
 Fri May 25, 2007 1:15 pm
SineSwiper wrote:Autobots! SELL OUT!

Lemme guess...the movie blew?
You'll find out in July just how far they can rape and pillage a fond memory of our childhood

 #107234  by Nev
 Fri May 25, 2007 2:51 pm
I am just waiting to read the article about the Mediterranean-descent Canadian who went amok and stabbed Michael Bay in the face. ETA roughly around the time the movie comes out...

I mean, you're hardly the only one to criticize, Zeus, but there seems to be some seething cauldron of hatred around this subject for you beyond the normal pale. Why so pissed off? It's not the first time Hollywood's put its penis squarely inside a popular franchise.

 #107242  by Zeus
 Fri May 25, 2007 5:42 pm
Nev wrote:I am just waiting to read the article about the Mediterranean-descent Canadian who went amok and stabbed Michael Bay in the face. ETA roughly around the time the movie comes out...

I mean, you're hardly the only one to criticize, Zeus, but there seems to be some seething cauldron of hatred around this subject for you beyond the normal pale. Why so pissed off? It's not the first time Hollywood's put its penis squarely inside a popular franchise.
I agree, but it was my fav cartoon for years, I have more attachment to this than most. Kinda like Eric and RE

 #107249  by Eric
 Fri May 25, 2007 8:21 pm
Zeus wrote:
Nev wrote:I am just waiting to read the article about the Mediterranean-descent Canadian who went amok and stabbed Michael Bay in the face. ETA roughly around the time the movie comes out...

I mean, you're hardly the only one to criticize, Zeus, but there seems to be some seething cauldron of hatred around this subject for you beyond the normal pale. Why so pissed off? It's not the first time Hollywood's put its penis squarely inside a popular franchise.
I agree, but it was my fav cartoon for years, I have more attachment to this than most. Kinda like Eric and RE
As long as you understand that, I will no longer make any remarks about the misfortune that is about to befall you and your beloved franchise.

 #107258  by Zeus
 Sat May 26, 2007 1:06 am
Eric wrote:
Zeus wrote:
Nev wrote:I am just waiting to read the article about the Mediterranean-descent Canadian who went amok and stabbed Michael Bay in the face. ETA roughly around the time the movie comes out...

I mean, you're hardly the only one to criticize, Zeus, but there seems to be some seething cauldron of hatred around this subject for you beyond the normal pale. Why so pissed off? It's not the first time Hollywood's put its penis squarely inside a popular franchise.
I agree, but it was my fav cartoon for years, I have more attachment to this than most. Kinda like Eric and RE
As long as you understand that, I will no longer make any remarks about the misfortune that is about to befall you and your beloved franchise.
Oh, I always understood it. But we've had too much fun over the years, you can't let it die now, Dragonbore boy :thumbup:

 #107264  by Tessian
 Sat May 26, 2007 1:01 pm
I don't know guys...Transformers was a cornerstone of my childhood too, along with TMNT and Ghostbusters... but am I the only one giving this movie the benefit of the doubt?

Yes, Michael Bay is directing...but Spielberg is producing, it could be worse.

Of course it'll never live up to our childhood aspirations, but I still think at the least it'll be a decent action flick with tons of awesome cgi.

All I'm saying is I'm going to wait until it comes out before I start claiming Michael Bay went back in time and raped me repeatedly when I was 6... calm down Zeus.

 #107273  by Zeus
 Sat May 26, 2007 11:00 pm
Like I said, it's much more than just Bay directing, but look at his credits:

The Rock was excellent, I never argued that. The only other movie on that list that wasn't complete shit was Bad Boys, which was OK. Not really inspiring confidence.

Speilberg redeemed himself with Munich, which I thought was very good, but other than that, he's done extremely mediocre movies for the last decade. AI was excellent and Catch Me If You Can was OK, but that's about it.

Toss in plot details and the trailer and I have every reason to be skeptical. I wish, really wish, I had even a sliver of hope, but I can't find it....anywhere.

 #107274  by Tessian
 Sat May 26, 2007 11:43 pm
Have you SEEN the original Transformers movie in the past 5 years or so? It's absolutely atrocious. I loved my cartoons as a kid too, but I've gone back and watched some of them and I seriously wonder how any of us growing up in the 80's did not end up functionally retarded.

My point-- Bale may be a crummy hack director, but he will still do the franchise a lot more justice than the original cartoon movie...and nearly every episode...

We all put our fond childhood memories and put them on such a pedestal that we never go back and notice that "hey, I watched some real shitty shows as a kid".

Unless this were Beast Wars Transformers-- the franchise doesn't deserve a better director than Bale.

 #107277  by Zeus
 Sun May 27, 2007 11:41 am
Tessian wrote:Have you SEEN the original Transformers movie in the past 5 years or so? It's absolutely atrocious. I loved my cartoons as a kid too, but I've gone back and watched some of them and I seriously wonder how any of us growing up in the 80's did not end up functionally retarded.

My point-- Bale may be a crummy hack director, but he will still do the franchise a lot more justice than the original cartoon movie...and nearly every episode...

We all put our fond childhood memories and put them on such a pedestal that we never go back and notice that "hey, I watched some real shitty shows as a kid".

Unless this were Beast Wars Transformers-- the franchise doesn't deserve a better director than Bale.
I watch the original Transformers cartoon movie once a year. I still consider it one of the best animated movies out there. It was awesome for its time and hasn't lost much in the last 20 years IMO. I bought that 20th anniversary release right away when it came out in the winter.

I also purchased the entire series when it was released by Rhino on DVD. Yeah, it feels a little dated now and the animation is awful at best (the movie actually had very good animation for the time and looks pretty decent now), but I still very much enjoyed it. Same with Robotech a few years back, it was still a blast to watch.

I think you're referring to Bay. Bale's a pretty good actor.

I loved Beast Wars, it was great. I have every release of that series as well.

Believe it or not, I'm not against remakes of stuff I love, I actually like it......if it's done properly. Remember, I was one of the few people on the Internet who defended Lucas for re-visiting Star Wars. I liked the majority of the changes/updates he made although some were dumb (Han shoots first, period). I want them to remake and update Transformers. I think if you take the idea of the old series and you re-do by tightening up the storyline, getting rid of some of the hokiness, and with the new animation, you'd have an incredible series on your hands.

Again, there's an enormous "if" there. My definition of "properly" is you stay true to the source material and your goal is to make it look better and clean it up. Changing it "for the times" is usually a recipe for disaster. Changing it to cater to a specific demographic is wrong, very wrong. That's a huge problem in movies nowadays. Doing anything for political correctness or to cater to a specific group's bitching is taboo. This is what Speilberg did for ET and it pissed off more people than it pleased.

Doing nothing is a bad thing as well. Look at the remake of Psycho, which was line for line and scene for scene the original. Older movies are a part of history in a lot of ways, you can't just make it again. You have to change something.

But what they're doing with Transformers is taking small pieces of what it was about and ignoring, and often molesting, the source material.

 #107278  by Chris
 Sun May 27, 2007 1:22 pm
so your problem is that they couldn't get the rights to use the original cars then?

 #107279  by Tessian
 Sun May 27, 2007 1:55 pm
I think Zeus's problem is for some reason he hasn't noticed just how crappy and poorly written cartoons were back in the 80's. He's putting them on a pedestal a lot higher than they deserve.

I Loved them as a child, don't get me wrong. But I've rewatched the Transformers movie for pleasure and had to rewatch some episodes of TMNT for a class and I felt myself become dumber.

Is your problem then that they won't be making a movie with plot holes so large that Unicron himself could drunkenly pass through? My whole point was even though Bay isn't a top notch director, what he ends up with will still make a whole lot more sense than what the franchise previously released.

 #107293  by SineSwiper
 Sun May 27, 2007 8:23 pm
The problem is that whatever Bay produces, good or bad, will still have that sell out feel.

While I don't like most of what Jerry Fuckhiemer produces, I do like Pirates. But it still reeks of that same stereotypical sell-out action motif that Trey and Matt love to make fun of. (I'm sure the writer had most to do with the good parts of Pirates, anyway.)

You know, it's funny how a PRODUCER has so much influence on a movie...

 #107311  by Zeus
 Tue May 29, 2007 1:22 pm
It's not a pedestal thing, Tess. I love a lot of newer anime and have always acknoledged the progression made in story complexity, animation, writing, etc. I just like Transformers, dammit. I've always said it's a little lame nowadays and the animation is awful in parts, but I still find it very enjoyable. This might surprise you, but I'm a very critical person. Yet, despite it's aged feel, I still loved it and enjoyed it a couple years ago when I went through it. It was just fun and a blast to watch, particularly the movie.

So much of my complaining is about the story and the approach taken and Bay's and Speilberg's work over the last decade. You wanna talk about plot holes or complete lack of plot thereof? Look at Bay's shit, they really are some of the worst movies I've seen aside from the ones I mentioned before. Really, I have no reason to believe this is going to be anything but crap. I hope to hell I'm wrong, though.

Sine, i think what I refer to as formulaic and what you refer to as sell-out feel is roughly the same thing.

 #107321  by Tessian
 Tue May 29, 2007 8:47 pm
I don't disagree with you on any particular part...just that I'm saying that even as bad as Bale is with stories and plots-- the original transformers movie was worse.

It's like in the 80's cartoon writers figured they only needed to spend 5 minutes writing a story for a 90 minute movie because hey, 8 year olds are stupid.

 #107323  by Nev
 Tue May 29, 2007 9:46 pm
Unicron > plot. Therefore, the Transformers movie ruled.

 #107324  by bovine
 Tue May 29, 2007 10:44 pm
rodimus prime was an asshole.