Christopher Hitchens wrote:tear-swollen face... CRYBABY... penetrated... blah, blah, blah
Sometimes I respect Hitchens and sometimes I don't. Here, I don't know why the hell he's taking this stance. People like that don't deserve the sympathy of intellectuals. She spends her entire life being a pompous cunt, not to mention
DRIVING DRUNK, and he's trying to defend her? Fuck her! Now that the limelight has backfired on her, let poetic justice take its course.
Nev wrote:QFT. I'm starting to change my opinion here, after seeing how vicious people have been towards Paris lately. The media scapegoating is far worse than anything she did.
Let's look at what she's done during this legal mess:
1. She constantly drives drunk and has a total disregard of the law.
2. She attempted to completely bypass the legal system, skip jail, and get house arrest.
3. While in said house arrest, she tries to arrange a Friday party, therefore TOTALLY invalidating the whole point of being punished by the legal system.
4. When she finally hears of her decision to go to a mere 45-days in jail, she starts balking for her mommy. Clearly, this is a person that is having a 7-year-old-level temper tantrum, bitching and crying when she can't buy her way out of anything she gets into.
And don't forget what's she's done before this whole mess started:
1. Every chance she gets, she tells everybody how she's a "US Princess".
2. She exists. Be doing this, she is preventing good news stories from reaching people, in favor of stories about Paris' dog taking a crap. Hell, even this jail deal is interfering with important news stories.
Andrew, Killer Bee wrote:1. That the point of putting somebody in jail is to punish them and or teach them a lesson, and
2. That it works.
I'd argue that both of these are faulty.
What's wrong with 1? I agree that 2 is faulty more often than not, but in this case, based on her comments after finally accepting her fate, it may actually work. (Whether it sticks or not is another matter.)