Following his rematch decision victory over Sakuraba. The steroid levels are reportedly off the charts. He was significantly heavier in his fight vs. Sakuraba than he was in his fight vs Matt Hughes last year.
Following his rematch decision victory over Sakuraba. The steroid levels are reportedly off the charts. He was significantly heavier in his fight vs. Sakuraba than he was in his fight vs Matt Hughes last year.
In the wake of Royce Gracie's (Pictures) positive test for steroids, the California State Athletic Commission released details Monday that the Brazilian mixed martial arts icon showed such elevated levels of Nandrolone, a common anabolic steroid, that it could not be registered by the testing lab.
According to the CSAC, a normal person could potentially produce 2 ng/mL of Nandrolone, while an athlete following "rigorous physical exercise" could have a level of 6 ng/mL.
Both "A" and "B" samples provided by Gracie, said the CSAC, "had a level of over 50 ng/mL and we were informed that the level itself was so elevated that it would not register on the laboratory's calibrator."
Gracie, currently on vacation in Spain, told last week that he has never taken steroids, and that he would file for an appeal.
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