What the hell have we done in the last 20 years that is monumental for the benefit of society? Since forever, I've had a growing list of social problems that bug the shit out of me, and since I've existed, nothing has been done about them. Here's what I can think of that would be a part of that list (in no real order):
I'm not even asking for world peace or curing cancer or anything like that. Shit, why not cure cancer or AIDS? We've only had those two problems since fucking forever! Whatever happen to social evolution? During the 60's and 70's, we went to the moon, and we've abolished the last vestiges of slavery.
What have we been doing these past 20, nay, 30 years?
- Getting rid of the electoral college and/or establishing a sane voting system
- Making speed limits that are actually correct to the average speed driven
- Abolishing consensual crime laws
- No? Okay, at least the legalization of drugs
- Fuck....Can't we at least legalize marijuana?!?
- Establish that an 18-year-old is not a minor, and should be able to buy a fucking beer like a real adult
- Fix the MPAA rating board and/or make it so that a naked boob isn't going to automatically make it NC-17
- Stop using oil, and start using alternative energy sources
- Stop fucking talking about abortion! It's been 30 years, so how long is the shelf life on a subject like this?
- Fix patent laws
- Fix copyright laws, or at least make sure that I can broadcast a 100-year-old Tugboat Willy without Disney suing me.
- Making the RIAA realize that $15 is entirely too much for a CD, and so is the online equivalent of $.99/song
- Make a majority of America realize that gays and lesbians are real people with real lifes
- Make a majority of America realize that agnostics/atheists are real people with real lifes
- Create affordable private schools that aren't religious
- Turn evolution into a "fact" instead of a "theory"
- More double-blind studies on psychics/mediums to scientifically prove that they aren't bullshitting
- Remove references to God in all government money and documents, so that we at least pretend to practice the separation of Church and State.
- Stop teaching abstinence, or at least promote condom use and safe sex primarily, since abstinence is so horribly unrealistic
- Rebalance the military so that the US isn't the only country in the world with a decent army/navy/air force.
I'm not even asking for world peace or curing cancer or anything like that. Shit, why not cure cancer or AIDS? We've only had those two problems since fucking forever! Whatever happen to social evolution? During the 60's and 70's, we went to the moon, and we've abolished the last vestiges of slavery.
What have we been doing these past 20, nay, 30 years?
Rosalina: But you didn't.
Robert: But I DON'T.
Rosalina: You sure that's right?
Robert: I was going to HAVE told you they'd come?
Rosalina: No.
Robert: The subjunctive?
Rosalina: That's not the subjunctive.
Robert: I don't think the syntax has been invented yet.
Rosalina: It would have had to have had been.
Robert: Had to have...had...been? That can't be right.
Robert: But I DON'T.
Rosalina: You sure that's right?
Robert: I was going to HAVE told you they'd come?
Rosalina: No.
Robert: The subjunctive?
Rosalina: That's not the subjunctive.
Robert: I don't think the syntax has been invented yet.
Rosalina: It would have had to have had been.
Robert: Had to have...had...been? That can't be right.