Black Lotus wrote:I tried watching this last night but there must have been a retarded amount of traffic on the servers judging from how many times this video has been viewed in less than a day. was actually down, and gamevideos was slow as hell. Downloading now and it's still taking a long fucking time.
You might noticed 1UP was down for an exceptionally long time yesterday. Around 2:00 p.m., several of the 1UP crew were endlessly fascinated with the Fruit of the Loom commercial shooting across the street, when suddenly a muffled explosion occurred and steam rose from the ground nearby. After that, our power went out. And then on. And then off. And then on, and then off and on again a few more times.
Turns out, a transformer blew at 365 Main, a company with data centers for a number of major websites in the Bay Area, 1UP, MyCheats and GameVideos included. It look a little time to get everything online, but no worries, we're back.