The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

  • Cartoons currently being turned into movies

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.

 #109022  by Flip
 Fri Aug 10, 2007 1:36 pm
Speed Racer and He-Man would bring up fond childhood memories, but i could pass on all the others.

Avatar, i have not seen, but i do like M. Nights style, so i'd watch that one, too.

 #109028  by Nev
 Fri Aug 10, 2007 3:34 pm
Yeah, I was just about to say...

Transformers was cool. But if I had to guess, I'd bet that the film studios are about to throw themselves over a jagged precipice with this batch.

I mean, I actually watched the Alvin and the Chipmunks trailer, and had to admit I laughed a bit, but how are they going to keep that going for an hour and a half? The DBZ live action movie also sounds like it could suck REALLY hard.

NGE might be a cool full-screen feature, and a CG He-Man with "300-style effects" might work too, but the rest of this batch...oy.

 #109070  by Zeus
 Mon Aug 13, 2007 1:10 am
I'm wondering how good/bad an Akira live-action would be like. There's been talk of that for a while now.

 #109089  by RentCavalier
 Mon Aug 13, 2007 5:10 pm
G.I. Joe! Real American HERO!

I'd dig a G.I. Joe movie, if they did it GOOD...I mean, you know, NOT having people ejecting from Helicopters and whatnot. War=death.

 #109095  by Chris
 Mon Aug 13, 2007 5:34 pm
RentCavalier wrote:G.I. Joe! Real American HERO!

I'd dig a G.I. Joe movie, if they did it GOOD...I mean, you know, NOT having people ejecting from Helicopters and whatnot. War=death.
the concept they were bandying about pissed off more than a lot of poeple. I know a lot of guys at devils due publishing were pissed about the treatment being about as far from GI Joe as possible. I know they are still trying to find a treatment for it that works. The producer is a fucknut idiot though so I doubt Hasbro wll allow any of the ieas he's come up with come to life.

 #109099  by RentCavalier
 Mon Aug 13, 2007 5:56 pm
I always thought it would be interesting to put G.I. Joe in the real world--back in the day, these Joe's were pretty much awesome and whatever, in a more...I dunno...clear-cut age of war.

Then, they'd be stuck in a more modern situation, and a more modern type of warfare, dealing with the threat of terrorism, dissension and general unpopularity. The Joes would each have to face their own inner demons as a result of going from cherished war heroes to...less than such.

At the same time, Cobra would be back in a more...sinister way, I guess...and take advantage of the Joes' period of self-doubt by capturing each one, one by one, and thus forming the basis for the second half of the movie, which would be an introspective examination of each character or the symbols of warfare each character represents, ideally through a sort of interrogation/torture-chamber esque scene.

It would be a real shocker, I imagine, to the general idea of G.I. Joe...and it has NO chance of ever being made.

 #109110  by Chris
 Mon Aug 13, 2007 6:30 pm
RentCavalier wrote:I always thought it would be interesting to put G.I. Joe in the real world--back in the day, these Joe's were pretty much awesome and whatever, in a more...I dunno...clear-cut age of war.

Then, they'd be stuck in a more modern situation, and a more modern type of warfare, dealing with the threat of terrorism, dissension and general unpopularity. The Joes would each have to face their own inner demons as a result of going from cherished war heroes to...less than such.

At the same time, Cobra would be back in a more...sinister way, I guess...and take advantage of the Joes' period of self-doubt by capturing each one, one by one, and thus forming the basis for the second half of the movie, which would be an introspective examination of each character or the symbols of warfare each character represents, ideally through a sort of interrogation/torture-chamber esque scene.

It would be a real shocker, I imagine, to the general idea of G.I. Joe...and it has NO chance of ever being made.
that's what they did with the recent comics and it made it quite an interesting read. they had the balls t do some prety hefty stuff.. they cut the team to Flint, Duke, Scarlett, Shipwreck, Stalker, Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow, and Roadblock. Flint is pretty much insane because Cobra Commander Killer Lady Jaye and you got a couple of interesting stories that started with them amost killing snake eyes and turning him into a bad guy. then storm shadow brought him back to the good side. really fun story with much ass kicking goodness. then led into the reveal that cobra commander had gotten himself put in as the secretary of defense. sent a kill team in to kill the joes. they of course get stopped and now world war 3 is starting. but for the last 25 issues they have done exactly that....turned it into a great espionage book rather than generic get cobra fight disarm arrest. they've killed a few characters I never expected em t kill, brught back some more that you thought were dead, and put Hawk in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. If tey are gonna do a movie they should do it in the current comic book continuity....which is what hasbro wants from it.

 #109112  by RentCavalier
 Mon Aug 13, 2007 6:32 pm
I always felt that, if you really wanted to do some good with these 80's cartoons, G.I. Joe was the only one you could make a really deep story with.

He Man? Please.

 #109118  by Chris
 Mon Aug 13, 2007 6:47 pm
RentCavalier wrote:I always felt that, if you really wanted to do some good with these 80's cartoons, G.I. Joe was the only one you could make a really deep story with.

He Man? Please.
he man is tough but you give it to the right person it could be great.....I know that one of my pals wrote a great battle of the planets series. (G-Force baby)

all it takes is the right writer. Hell they recently did a spaceghost comic modernizing the idea which was insanely awesomely cool.....I want a spaceghost movie now

 #109120  by RentCavalier
 Mon Aug 13, 2007 6:50 pm
Yeah, but He-Man doesn't need to be serious. Like the Transformers, it's really too silly--I wouldn't mind just a good ole beat-em-up adventure.

 #109122  by Chris
 Mon Aug 13, 2007 6:55 pm
RentCavalier wrote:Yeah, but He-Man doesn't need to be serious. Like the Transformers, it's really too silly--I wouldn't mind just a good ole beat-em-up adventure.
oh yes. keep a similar thematic tone. by all means. but there are so many great cartoons that could make cool or horible movies. especially from the late 80's early 90's....c'mon....captain planet, Pirates of Darkwater etc. I've tried to recently go back and watch a lot of them. and one of the only cartoons that really aged well was Gi-Joe which I can still watch those old cartons and be entertained with a decent story. He Man was actually pretty good too. but the best cartoon from when I was eager to watch em every morning......the last 2 seasons of ReBoot are nothing short of genius

 #109126  by Chris
 Mon Aug 13, 2007 6:59 pm
Eric wrote:You guys don't remember the original He-man movie? It's been done lol. was punisher. might as well remake and force the dissapearance of all dolph lundgren crappy acton movies now while we still can

 #109128  by RentCavalier
 Mon Aug 13, 2007 7:02 pm
Oh god, NO! I refuse to have Captain Planet be a movie. It's just...I dunno...that couldn't work...

 #109129  by Chris
 Mon Aug 13, 2007 7:04 pm
RentCavalier wrote:Oh god, NO! I refuse to have Captain Planet be a movie. It's just...I dunno...that couldn't work...
c'mon Tom Cruise as Captain Planet.....By your powers combined I am captain planet. protecting the environment to help raise thetan levels around the globe.....he is captain planet HAIL XENU!

 #109130  by RentCavalier
 Mon Aug 13, 2007 7:10 pm
I suppose they could use it as a Global Warming platform...

 #109138  by SineSwiper
 Mon Aug 13, 2007 8:11 pm
RentCavalier wrote:I suppose they could use it as a Global Warming platform...
That was practically the point of the cartoon anyway. Dunno, the cartoon just seemed too politically motivated at times.

 #109165  by RentCavalier
 Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:20 pm
I mean, the show as it is/was is far too cheesy to be applicable to anybody in today's audience, and the entire point of Captain Planet (they summon him to stop polluters, not criminals) is already gimmicky as it is.

I suppose the best they could do is tweak a villain to be a large corporate entity which crosses the line and clubs a baby seal. That seal's soul floats through the air and ends up getting sealed (ha ha, pun) inside a volcano.

Meanwhile, some dumb-ass Indian Kid tags along with a bunch of rich internationally and ethnically diverse kids, who are secretly wiccans and each worship a primeval element. Because the Indian kid is pretty much the "bitch" of the group, and will perform a variety of humiliating tasks for his new "friends" they let him tag along, and even trick him into believing that "heart" is actually an element.

After a rowdy night of drug induced, sado-masochistic rape, the kids dare their Indian friend to hijack a truck carrying highly volatile chemicals and drive it into a nearby volcano. The Indian Kid, completely fucked in the head by a bad mix of LSD and Speed, agrees, and against all odds, and using a variety of ancestral Indian martial arts techniques, defeats the evil ninjas guarding the truck and drives it into the volcano easily.

The resulting explosion frees the the imprisoned souls of the clubbed baby seals, and they rise out of the volcano and attach themselves to the punky kids, who are all coming down from their ENORMOUSLY trippy high, only to discover that not only have they failed to kill off their useful, but highly annoying personal baggage, they've also been forced to shout out annoyingly catchy phrases in order to summon a supposedly benevolent and politically motivated incarnation of all the dead seals who flies around and destroys the evil corporation once and for all.

Also, Snape Kills Dumbledore.

 #109195  by Nev
 Tue Aug 14, 2007 10:12 am
Sounds good to me. Print that script!

 #109223  by SineSwiper
 Tue Aug 14, 2007 9:01 pm
RentCavalier wrote:That seal's soul floats through the air and ends up getting sealed (ha ha, pun) inside a volcano.
Careful. You mix around souls and volcanoes people might think you're a Scientologist.
RentCavalier wrote:Also, Snape Kills Dumbledore.
See, just put in a line that might be unbelievable, like Potter kills Dumbledore, or Dumbledore is Harry's father, or something like that.

I don't actually know if that's a spoiler or not (and if it is, don't tell me), but it looks real enough. I hate the mass appeal of the books and the craze surrounding them, but I really do enjoy the movies, and would prefer to be able to watch the movie without somebody ruining the ending for me.