I mean, the show as it is/was is far too cheesy to be applicable to anybody in today's audience, and the entire point of Captain Planet (they summon him to stop polluters, not criminals) is already gimmicky as it is.
I suppose the best they could do is tweak a villain to be a large corporate entity which crosses the line and clubs a baby seal. That seal's soul floats through the air and ends up getting sealed (ha ha, pun) inside a volcano.
Meanwhile, some dumb-ass Indian Kid tags along with a bunch of rich internationally and ethnically diverse kids, who are secretly wiccans and each worship a primeval element. Because the Indian kid is pretty much the "bitch" of the group, and will perform a variety of humiliating tasks for his new "friends" they let him tag along, and even trick him into believing that "heart" is actually an element.
After a rowdy night of drug induced, sado-masochistic rape, the kids dare their Indian friend to hijack a truck carrying highly volatile chemicals and drive it into a nearby volcano. The Indian Kid, completely fucked in the head by a bad mix of LSD and Speed, agrees, and against all odds, and using a variety of ancestral Indian martial arts techniques, defeats the evil ninjas guarding the truck and drives it into the volcano easily.
The resulting explosion frees the the imprisoned souls of the clubbed baby seals, and they rise out of the volcano and attach themselves to the punky kids, who are all coming down from their ENORMOUSLY trippy high, only to discover that not only have they failed to kill off their useful, but highly annoying personal baggage, they've also been forced to shout out annoyingly catchy phrases in order to summon a supposedly benevolent and politically motivated incarnation of all the dead seals who flies around and destroys the evil corporation once and for all.
Also, Snape Kills Dumbledore.