lol this reminds me about when I was at a dr appt at an ear nose throat specialist. It was my first I wasnt aware of all the fancy "technology" they used in the office. All of the staff carried around laptops to the rooms when they visited..including the nurses.
When the Dr was done with me..I sat and waited while he started trying to talk into his mic that was pinned to his shirt for his speech to text program. He kept saying the date over and over because it wasnt registering: "June twenty eighth, two thousand seven, colon......June twenty eighth, two thousand seven, colon.....June twenty eighth, two thousand seven, colon....June twenty eighth, two thousand seven, colon"
It wasnt working...I was trying to keep myself from laughing.
He said it over and over about 15 times before he eventually got it to register.
There's no real point to my just reminded me of that.
Being married to a programmer is like having a cat. You talk to it but you're never really sure if it hears you, much less comprehends what you say.