Sin and Punishment, it was released in Japan after the end of the N64 lifespan. It can be best described as a 3D Gunstar Heroes (Same development team, also the same team that did Ikaruga and Radiant Silvergun). It is a game that follows a similar style of rail shooter gameplay seen in Starfox 64/Lylat Wars. The action is somewhat more intense in Sin and Punishment (more along the lines of Gunstar Heroes), but very reminiscent of Starfox. The release of this game confirms two things, one: that virtual console games include those using the RAM expansion, and much more importantly, that games are being translated for release in other territories which they were not formerly released in. This means a stronger possibility for titles such as Treasure Hunter G and Terranigma (which already has an English translation anyway); and perhaps even a complete edition of Earthbound 64 (though I would say this is highly unlikely since it seems they took a lot of the story and put it into Mother 3).
Sin and Punishment was released to PAL territories today, which means we'll very likely see it in the next three weeks. Here's a video demo taken from the second level of the game: there's some higher quality video footage on IGN, but the scenes don't demonstrate as much action as this video does. If you're part of the VC purchasing community, this is definately one to pick up.
Sin and Punishment was released to PAL territories today, which means we'll very likely see it in the next three weeks. Here's a video demo taken from the second level of the game: there's some higher quality video footage on IGN, but the scenes don't demonstrate as much action as this video does. If you're part of the VC purchasing community, this is definately one to pick up.
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