Somehow I skipped the fact that it includes alcohol, too - plus the fact that the state police will be shut down, putting the entire burden on the city police departments.
"Liquor sales are regulated by the state and therefore will stop during a government shutdown. Stores will be able to sell the inventory they have on hand, but will be unable to purchase additional inventory."
"In order to be sold, cigarettes must contain a State of Michigan tobacco tax stamp. Stores will be able to sell the inventory they have on hand. However, if a wholesaler does not have sufficient stamps, cigarettes that do not carry a stamp cannot be sold to retailers."
You know, I didn't even see 8 Mile, but something tells me if they fail to fix this crisis before people start running out of liquor and cigarettes, two things will happen.
1. Rumrunning and illegal cigarette shipments are going to have the entire state rocking like it was 1929. Buy an Al Capone pinstripe suit and your girl a flapper costume for extra style points.
2. Detroit is going to burn right to the fucking ground.