I'll just write the Shrine's ISP and explain the situation.
I could only imagine that phone call would look a little like this...
ISP:"Hello, thank you for calling, how can we help you today?"
Mental:"Yes, i'd like you to stop hosting a site that i created."
I:"Certainly, sir, i can close your account for you, what is the account number?"
M:"Uh, hmm, i dont know the number."
I:"Well, thats not a problem, whats the name on the account?"
I:"Swine sniper? Is that your occupation?"
M:"No no! Thats his name! He's the guy who owns the account."
I:"Ok, so he is a friend of yours? Is your name on the account, sir?"
M:"He isnt really a friend, and i'm not on the account... so, no and no. You see, he posted personal information of mine."
I:"I...see... he has engaged in illegal activity with your name and personal information?"
M:"Well, no... it wasnt illegal, but he made me mad, i'd like the site pulled down."
I:"Sir, i must admit, i dont really under..."
M:"It makes sense, trust me! You see, the people there are really mean, they use the word 'homo'! On MY site!!!"
I:"Sir, i dont see... how this is your site if you arent on the acc..."
M:"ITS MINE! I created the forum, 15 years ago, its the SAME NAME!"
I:"Has there been identity theft, did he steal your domain?"
M:"No, i gave it to him... then went away for 10 years, but i'm back! I used to be an admin, YOU SEE!!?"
I:"You created the idea of forums?"
M:"tOWS! tOWS!!!! I made it with my own hands, molded it into a wonderful piece of art work, but now they dont like me, it isnt fair!"
I:"Sir, what would you like me to do again?..."
I:"Goodbye sir, thank you fro calling.: *click*