Lox wrote:Tessian wrote:I don't plan to buy the game... and know the accesories are critical to the game... but they should be made much cheaper; at least partly included in the game price.
Well, you figure that with the bundle you get:
-guitar - $60
-drums - $80
-mic - $20-$30
-game - $60
That totals to $220-$230 seperately and the bundle is $170. So that's at least something. I know that doesn't make it that much better, but $50 is $50.

Then couple that with taking advantage of EBs trading policy so you're paying only about 46% for both GH3 and Rock Band (among other things), and you're looking at about $130 for both of them. THEN it's worth it :-)
Seriously, I've always figured that you should judge a game by cost per hour. It's a rough estimate I use to determine if a game's worth it rather than the actual cost. So, in Sine's example, he bought Simpsons for about $50 and only got what, 6 hours of play out of it? So that's right around $8 an hour, or more expensive that watching a movie in theatres. But for Goldeneye, which I luckily got used during the 1997 craze for the game for $70, we (6 of us) put about 200+ hours into it (each), so you're looking at what, 30 cents an hour but 6 people enjoying it, so really, 5 cents an hour.
More recently, my friend and I got 25 hours of play out of Bioshock for $40, so less than $1 an hour there. Or Guitar Hero 1 which I played for about 80-100 hours total (not including my friends) and paid about $100 for it, so right around $1 an hour again. Halo 3 was closer to 30 hours total at about $75, so $2.50 an hour. Still cheaper than most forms of entertainment and that's not including my plans to beat it on Legendary or to play it online once M$ makes Live free.
Extremes, yes, but I found it to be a good measure of "worth" when it comes to a game.