What do you guys think of this? It seems like it's getting worse and worse... every hot game lately has had its release date broken by numerous stores (Bioshock, Mass Effect, now Rock Band) why is this? It's not like the manager's selling copies under the table to friends beforehand... they're putting it on the shelves! Can people not read ship dates, or do they not care?
Harry Potter had massive contracts and penalties if you broke their release date... I know games aren't as big as HP but breaking the date shouldn't be any less a breach of contract. Why don't any of the companies/stores get held accountable for this? The longer this crap goes unanswered the more it'll happen... which isn't necessarily good for gamers.
Harry Potter had massive contracts and penalties if you broke their release date... I know games aren't as big as HP but breaking the date shouldn't be any less a breach of contract. Why don't any of the companies/stores get held accountable for this? The longer this crap goes unanswered the more it'll happen... which isn't necessarily good for gamers.