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  • Heroes Season 2 finale

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
 #114014  by Zeus
 Mon Dec 03, 2007 10:30 pm
I know it's only 10 eps in, but it is the finale for this season. The way the talks are going, you can expect a resolution only in the summer (studios came back after a month with the exact same offer they had before the strike; smells way too much like the NHL lockout).

So, what did you guys think of the Heroes finale? I stand by my earlier comments. Great ideal that REALLY needs to be in better hands on a better network. Instead, it's just faltering

 #114021  by SineSwiper
 Tue Dec 04, 2007 7:54 am
Actually, I think they are learning too many tricks from HBO/Showtime, etc. Too many loose ends, and it's never truly ending. Sounds similar to other shows like Rome, Six Feet Under, or The Sopranos. (Never watched the latter, but I heard that's how he does things: a million little loose ends.) Remember that a TV series like this is earning a shitload more money than any HBO series, so they have the money to get the good writers.

I'm willing to forgive them for this season because of the strike, and Tim Kring has at least acknowledged his mistakes for season 2.

 #114028  by Zeus
 Tue Dec 04, 2007 2:04 pm
OK, ok, let's get something very straight here: Heroes, in no way, shape, or form even TOUCHES Six Feet (aside from the weak Season 3, which is still as good Season 1 of Heroes) or Sorpanos (aside from Seasons 6 and 7, which are still as good as Heroes S1). It's not even close in terms of quality of writing, acting, or depth in both the storylines and characters. If you think it is, we'll have to just stop arguing about this.

There's always loose ends, that I don't care about and often even like. What you're getting with Heroes is pussified, highly predictible, and increasingly boring storylines based around almost nothing. It's like they're slowly forgetting what the show's about turning it into a soap opera. If I wasn't watching it with my wife (the only show outside BSG we watch together) I might actually stop watching it.

Tim Kring should just sit back and collect money while real writers and producers take over the show before it jumps the shark

 #114070  by SineSwiper
 Tue Dec 04, 2007 9:36 pm
Well, I guess the problem here is that the subject matter of Six Feet Under is fairly boring in comparison to Heroes, even if we don't get into the writing. I don't think that Heroes writing comes close to BSG, but I don't ANY FUCKING SHOW'S writing comes close to BSG. And again, BSG's subject matter is right up my alley -AND- the writing is top-notch.

However, it's kinda tough to compare a show when you don't like the subject matter that much. Six Feet Under had some really boring seasons, too. I stopped watching during Season 2 or 3 because of it, not really to pick it back up until the last season or so. (Wow, you actually going to tie up those fucking loose ends for once, Alan Ball?) On the flip side, you have shows like Carnivale, that also had really good subject matter to it, and thus, I couldn't wait to see the next episode each time.

My point is that you have a misunderstood point-of-view about the writing between cable TV and HBO/Showtime. Both networks have shitloads of money. Both cycle through writers on almost each episode (with a lead writer keeping it to the official canon and direction of the show). One network can say fuck, but the "I'm-so-cool-that-I'm-offensive" angle that HBO/Showtime abuses wears thin. (Though Dexter is pulling it off.) To be honest, I think that's the reason why Heroes is on network TV: HBO/Showtime would never accept a show that didn't have some sort of offensive/controversial theme.

Anyway, quit your fucking whining. It's not going to HBO; it will never go to HBO.

 #114088  by Chris
 Wed Dec 05, 2007 12:43 am
SineSwiper wrote:One network can say fuck, but the "I'm-so-cool-that-I'm-offensive" angle that HBO/Showtime abuses wears thin. (Though Dexter is pulling it off.)
hehe. if you think what they have now is bad.....wait till Preacher starts oh man that's gonna drive you insane

 #114100  by SineSwiper
 Wed Dec 05, 2007 8:35 am
What? There's a Preacher series coming out??

 #114109  by Zeus
 Wed Dec 05, 2007 10:06 am
Sine, all I'm saying is HBO does a far better job of nurturing shows than a network does 'cause they have far less restrictions. You're starting to see a lot of good shows on network TV get destroyed due to these restrictions. Lost was one (and they had Abrams, by FAR the most overrated director/producer around, even more than Bay) and now Heroes is another. It's a shame to see a great idea destroyed simply because it's on a network that has no knowledge of how to do it properly. I'm still watching the show so it's not like I'm abandoning it. I just would love to see it done properly.

 #114115  by Chris
 Wed Dec 05, 2007 1:35 pm
SineSwiper wrote:What? There's a Preacher series coming out??
yep. every episode covers one issue and there are a ton of big name talent coming on to direct simply because they love preacher. Garth Ennis is also going to be involved so hopefully that will keep em from fucking it up too bad....

 #114228  by SineSwiper
 Thu Dec 06, 2007 6:11 pm
Zeus, season 2 shouldn't count. There's a writers strike going on, if you didn't realize. A lot of series are getting rushed in with bad endings or no endings at all. Plus, Tim's acknowledged that it's been a lackluster season and it's partly his fault.

Man, give the guy a chance. One season doesn't go your way and you want them to switch networks.

 #114235  by Zeus
 Thu Dec 06, 2007 8:04 pm
SineSwiper wrote:Zeus, season 2 shouldn't count. There's a writers strike going on, if you didn't realize. A lot of series are getting rushed in with bad endings or no endings at all. Plus, Tim's acknowledged that it's been a lackluster season and it's partly his fault.

Man, give the guy a chance. One season doesn't go your way and you want them to switch networks.
No, I've been saying the show should switch networks about 8 episodes in (coincidentally, about the time I felt that Lost should switch, although Heroes is a far superior show to that Abrams drudge). Again, it's not like I hate it, it's just a great idea wasted on a network that won't allow it to flourish.

It's a full half season and really, it's been pretty paltry. It's barely hanging on for me right now. They're on the bike revving it up ready to take the jump.

 #114295  by Ishamael
 Sat Dec 08, 2007 4:06 pm
I've nearly given up on Heroes. Season 1 was one of the most mediocre "breakout" hits I've ever seen. Season 2 was so bad that even the most diehard fans can't defend it.

Zeus mentions plot threads and the like. You know, I could live with dangling plotlines and lame story threads if they didn't cheap out on the special effects! It's a super heroe show for godsake! The special effects in this show are few and generally lame. So instead of being a sci-fi show, you're left with a drama with horrible writing.

And yes, comparing Heroes to anything on HBO should be punishable by public caning at the very least. :)