Lox wrote:For us, an internal IM does exactly what we need. Why do we need IM over the Internet or to talk with people outside of the company? It's unnecessary so it makes sense to make it internal.
Everyone except interns has access to the Internet though and we are just blocked from certain pages based on content or security concerns.
Plenty of reasons. Some of our vendors use AIM, so that we can contact them quickly about issues, or during times when you need a better response time than email. Hell, AT&T didn't want to communicate passwords in any medium except an encrypted P2P AIM channel.
What if you just want to talk to your wife during work? Is that so wrong? After all, if you're really busy, you can just tell her that and talk later. I don't surf at work, but I still chat with Shellie every day. During 2nd and 3rd shift, when it's really boring, I did surf at work. It's not lowering productivity; it's just passing through the calms before the storm faster. There's nothing more boring than not having anything to do.
I just think that there's no reason to be so hardcore at keeping employees from fucking off every once in a while. Not all jobs are 100% work all the time. If they can't surf or IM, they'll bring a book. If they can't bring a book, they'll read a newspaper. If they can't read a newspaper, they'll just gossip to each other.
Preventing them from installing shit on the PC, yeah, I can agree with that, but leave them alone after that.
Kupek wrote:I have some accounts on DOE machines through my advisor's grants, and I can never remember the fucking password if I go more than a month from using the account. I have no clue what it is now, I'd have to call them and get it reset if I wanted to use one of those machines. I get the the first two restrictions, but that third one? Having a number (and Jesus, couldn't they just say "don't use a number," instead of "must contain non-numeric letter or sysmbol"?) in the first and last positions doesn't make a password any less secure. If anything, that makes it easier to guess.
That's not too bad. The "symbol within the first seven" is a bit much, but doable. That password above will work, C)RP)rat10n or KUP#K'sgr4nts.
Try this type of rule: "Your new password cannot contain a letter in the same place as your previous six passwords." This is for access to our billing system. What do they usually do to counter this?
Yeah, that's a really secure password now. Thanks a lot, assholes!