Possession date Feb 25.
Small 1.5 level (~800sqft). Large double lot (6300sqft?).
Figured I had to get in the market soon because housing prices are finally starting to catch up to the rest of the country here (Average house 2 or 3 years ago was about $90,000, now it's $210,000 with an expected 15% jump this spring. Remember, that's AVERAGE, not NICE).
Now my girlfriend an I just need to pick out carpet.... god I never thought I'd say that shit.
Anyway, just thought I'd provide an update.
Small 1.5 level (~800sqft). Large double lot (6300sqft?).
Figured I had to get in the market soon because housing prices are finally starting to catch up to the rest of the country here (Average house 2 or 3 years ago was about $90,000, now it's $210,000 with an expected 15% jump this spring. Remember, that's AVERAGE, not NICE).
Now my girlfriend an I just need to pick out carpet.... god I never thought I'd say that shit.
Anyway, just thought I'd provide an update.