Zeus wrote:Dutch wrote:SineSwiper wrote:I think it's a bit late, Seeker...
I think Zeus is old enough to make his own decisions without you stealing bad lines from bad teen romance films, SineSwiper...
Sine was right. If it was one or two posts then yes, you could say "I fucked up" and it would be understandable. Hell, I regularly make mistakes where I misread someone's post or don't get what they're saying and argue something ridiculous. It just happens especially if you're at work and are sometimes rushing to read the post.
But when it's about 15 posts in, there really is no "or, I'm sorry, I messed up there". Particularly when the post you were referring to was basically a regurgitation of your previous 6 posts in the same thread.
Well I am only concerned about my post immediately preceding my apology. I stand by my other posts, and despite what you are claiming with these so called "mountains of evidence, with links" . I only see four points, and they were either weak or incorrect:
there wouldn't even be an FPS genre without Doom....period
The existence of Wolfenstein already disqualifies this point; in other words, it was completely incorrect. Yet you tried to spin it by saying that "the issue is revolution, not release date" which is not even relevant to the point I was arguing against; it was you just trying to deflect your mistake without owning up to it.
1) It invented steps/different planes within the levels. If you remember Wolfenstein, it was only on one plane the whole time, it's not like you had floating enemies or anything. Sounds so rudimentary but it all started with Doom
Again with this one, obviously this isn't a revolutionary step as it did not invent steps or planes within levels, these things were already commonplace in other genres already. It was only an inevitability that they would be incorporated into first person shooters. It's about as relevant as a shotgun being introduced into FPS titles, someone would have done it soon anyway.
2) It invented the FPS multiplayer system. The same one that basically in use today
This is another incorrect point, because the first FPS multiplayer game was Midimaze released in 1987. It featured 16 player multiplayer.
3) It took network gaming from being a bunch of sour-milk smelling lads to being a phenomenon across the country even before the internet was invented. It was the game that mad networking your computers together something other than for super-nerds
This is a HUGE overstatement. When the Shrine started up, online/networked multiplayer games were still in their infancy, however The Blizzard <a>Battlenet soon changed all of that</a>. It is not like I should even have to mention this, it is common knowledge, we all mostly took part in that revolution as a group here.
Just because a few nerds and trenchcoat clad murderers seem to think Doom was one of the most revolutionary games ever does not make it so. Their opinions are heavily biased and extremely narrow minded ignoring what came before and what came after.