Black Lotus wrote:Dutch wrote:Next, the MGS series isn't the type of game that Xbox fans buy.
Oh Jesus... enlighten us.
Yeah, really. There's no such thing as "XBox fans". I bought the 360 because it's the one with the most exclusives for games I want. If it was on the PS3, I would have bought that. I didn't like the original XBox too much.
I don't have an allegiance to one console or another, unlike certain people on this board that rhymes with Beeker.
Dutch wrote:It is Japanese made, past iterations did not sell well on the Xbox.
Which I already pointed out didn't mean anything. One was unpopular, this version is popular. That changes everything. Hell, the 360 is selling pretty well in even Japan (for different reasons that over here).
Dutch wrote:I should also point out that Konami stated this is a PS3 exclusive.
They can state that there will be monkeys flying out of my ass, for all I care. I'm sure the game will be exclusive AT FIRST, but as soon as their 6 month exclusiveness clause ends, they'll start porting on the 360.
And if not, whatever. I'll wait until the end of the console season when the PS3 price drops to $200 or so and I'm bored with my 360. But that's still at least a year or so off.
Kupek wrote:Porting costs. Sales are guaranteed. Profits are not. We've already talked about this. (Notice I'm not arguing it won't happen, just that there is a valid reason not to do it.)
Yeah, well, most of the other multi-console games are doing just fine with their porting costs, so it must not be all that large. In fact, this is probably the best generation for multi-console games. Never seen so many in previous generations.