Don't forget about RE4 on Wii, if you don't have it, it is a must have. if you have it on another system and you ever feel like playing again worth it to shell out the 25 bucks to get the upgraded Wii version.
Warioware is also an excellent game, as is Galaxy. Zelda I actually didn't enjoy nearly as much as Majora's Mask or Ocarina of Time, there are a lot of very good things about it, but I found the overall game to not be my preferred flavour. Ocarina is available for VC, but MM has yet to come. For VC, I highly recommend Sin and Punishment, though it is the most expensive title on the system, Mario 3 would be another good choice, and the DKC trilogy along with ActRaiser, and the original Harvest Moon (simple in dialogue, but the most charming game in the series) and granted you have the time: Phantasy Star 2 and Breath of Fire 2, both have excellent stories, Breath of Fire 2 was surprisingly great, I had never played through the whole game before. The Sonics and such are also good to get for convenience sake, but pretty much all Sega games can be acquired more cheaply on Gamecube disk, so it is really a matter of convenience (actually, this is the same deal with Zelda titles, they can be found cheaply on gamecube disk).
ActRaiser is out, so this gives me GREAT hope for the Soulblazer trilogy. THe major bombs Nintendo themselves are holding back are 1) Earthbound, 2) Mario RPG, and 3) Majora's Mask.
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