<div style='font: bold 10pt ; text-align: left; '>Just got back to Jinan, that is. I'm still in China. I was at a software exhibition this week with the company I work for in Jinan (CVIC SE). It was a cool experience, I've never been to something like it before since the city I live in in Canada is too small to get anything like that. Microsoft was there, of course, just proving evil is EVERYWHERE :D Anyways, the chicks at the MS booth were a highlight, but the ladies at my booth were nothing to scoff at either. Quite friendly, and they keep calling me! I want to go back to Beijing >< Anyways, for those of you who care I have a website up with some pics of my trip so far at:
http://uregina.ca/~johnsode (no www).
Take a look, I'll post a message when I get it updated again.</div>
http://uregina.ca/~johnsode (no www).
Take a look, I'll post a message when I get it updated again.</div>