Does anyone have the PS3 version?
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I think the controls are MUCH improved from previous gta games, why do you feel retarded (more so than usual)?Imakeholesinu wrote:So I just got doublecrossed in the single player game. The single player game is great. Shooting controls though make me feel like Corky from thirtysomething. I feel that retarded shooting. Not sure what is going on with that. Wish Rockstar would have stayed with the two stick method other games use (IE COD4).
Oh well.
The car controls aren't really, I'd say they're about the sameTessian wrote:I think the controls are MUCH improved from previous gta games, why do you feel retarded (more so than usual)?Imakeholesinu wrote:So I just got doublecrossed in the single player game. The single player game is great. Shooting controls though make me feel like Corky from thirtysomething. I feel that retarded shooting. Not sure what is going on with that. Wish Rockstar would have stayed with the two stick method other games use (IE COD4).
Oh well.
Haha, early PSX actually, I am playing through Suikoden and FF7 right now.SineSwiper wrote:Having to hold A to run is retardo, too. When was the last RPG where you had to do that? Chrono Trigger?
wireless. can't use a cord seeing as my media room is in a seperate building from my house and I don't have time t bore a hole in the cround to pipe a new line through under the porch. but I've never had any problems like what I've been getting since GTA came out....bovine wrote:everytime I've been playing with you, things start out fine and then your voice connection gets all choppy. You using the wireless thingy or an angry router?Miyamoto_Lover wrote:anyone else having mass trouble connection and/or staying connected to live?
Remember what happened when we were trying to play Halo 3 and I was downloading at the same time?bovine wrote:everytime I've been playing with you, things start out fine and then your voice connection gets all choppy. You using the wireless thingy or an angry router?Miyamoto_Lover wrote:anyone else having mass trouble connection and/or staying connected to live?
I do.Dutch wrote:Does anyone have the PS3 version?
I wish that was an option for meLox wrote:I'm having similar issues, Chris, also with GTA4 only. The exact same thing happened when Halo 3 came out. I had to use a ethernet connection to play online for 2-3 weeks before it just magically started working wirelessly.
I actually have gotten pretty good at swinging corners. it was a little harder on line but if you get the tail swinging a bit back and forth you can get into a really good skid without even touchng the breaks and tae pretty god 90 degree turns....I got pretty good at it in timing the skid and making some pretty easy drift turns and controlling it coming out. It works better with some cars than with others but does ok with almost everything. at this point I'm best at it with Romans cabbies but it also does pretty well with cop cars. harder to control with the really loose steering vehicles that easily spin out and vans but a good chunk of the cars it works pretty well.Tessian wrote:I do agree I don't like having a run button... I believe I should have the option to "Always run" and then use the A button to walk.
I think they made driving more realistic... you bitch that you can't take a 90 degree turn while going 50+mph? Try doing that in real life, I'd love to see you make it. As BL said, it's a matter of controlling your speed and selecting a car that can handle turns. The hummer, for example, handles turns like a drunk fat chick at a kegger and I'm just WAITING for it to roll over. I just slow down at turns like a NORMAL SANE PERSON in REAL LIFE would.
Breaking through the windshield is funny and cool, but if it's happening too often then you need to re-evaluate the way you drive-- you have to be going pretty fast and abruptly smash into something in order to be ejected from the car.
Your in Canada though, you don't get a tax rebate.Dutch wrote:Cool, because I am getting a PS3 and the PS3 version of the game.
I'm not paying for Live.Zeus wrote:Just a question: if you have a 360 already, why would you choose the PS3 version knowing the 360 has the downloadable stuff and achievements?Eric wrote:I do.Dutch wrote:Does anyone have the PS3 version?
Normal sane people use a steering wheel, since it requires a lot more work to turn in extremes. All you need with the control is a slight touch. Same with the pedals.Tessian wrote:I think they made driving more realistic... you bitch that you can't take a 90 degree turn while going 50+mph? Try doing that in real life, I'd love to see you make it. As BL said, it's a matter of controlling your speed and selecting a car that can handle turns. The hummer, for example, handles turns like a drunk fat chick at a kegger and I'm just WAITING for it to roll over. I just slow down at turns like a NORMAL SANE PERSON in REAL LIFE would.
Ah, yes, the free multiplayer. That makes sense now.Eric wrote:I'm not paying for Live.Zeus wrote:Just a question: if you have a 360 already, why would you choose the PS3 version knowing the 360 has the downloadable stuff and achievements?Eric wrote: I do.
I couldn't care less about achievements.
I likely don't care about the DLC either.
Probably just a port setting. All you have to do is find the right port to open on your router and you should be fine.Lox wrote:I played some online today and tonight and that is tons of fun. I had one game where I got slaughtered and another where I did pretty well. It's fun standing on top of a building taking people out with an AK47. haha
I verified that it is something with my wireless that keeps me from connecting to online games. I used a direct connection to my modem and it fixed the issue immediately.
I doubt there will be a patch about running... if I remember correctly hasn't it been the same way with every other GTA game (at least the past 2-3)?bovine wrote:I always find myself angling the camera higher up... I hope there is a patch that a) does something about the stupid run button and b) gives you better 3rd person camera control and car camera options. That camera is abysmal.
Yeah, it's been this way since GTA3 for sure.Tessian wrote:I doubt there will be a patch about running... if I remember correctly hasn't it been the same way with every other GTA game (at least the past 2-3)?bovine wrote:I always find myself angling the camera higher up... I hope there is a patch that a) does something about the stupid run button and b) gives you better 3rd person camera control and car camera options. That camera is abysmal.
Indeed, I've heard it.Tessian wrote:I was told this is one of the songs in GTA4... very interesting video:
I just like the bonus shit you get from getting poeple to 100%. right now I got 2 girlfriends. one cuts your wanted level to zero as long as you have gray stars which is damn damn handy seeing as how you can literally just slaughter any cop in a building hide in a noo that's inside the building and finiah the mission by calling her instead of a 5 minute police chase getting away from your 3 or 4 star wanted level. the other heals you full when you call her.....gotta find more for more awesome effects. I'm wondering what jacob dies. I actually inda like this whole dealBlack Lotus wrote:Jacob won't leave me the fuck alone. Have to turn that cunt down constantly (always wants me to take him out for food). I've got work to do!! Don't really give a shit that my "Jacob likes" stat is at 34%.
I wonder if you may have some wireless interference, would explain why it's intermittent. Might want to try changing the frequency you're on.Lox wrote:Those are some pretty nice extra features. Might have to improve my relationship with Michelle.I tend to ignore my hoes in the GTA games.
Also, apparently, I can connect to multiplayer using my wireless now. I tried last night and I was in right away.