...because I've had some problems with my apartment and it is about to boil over into me just getting more fucking pissed.
I live in a historic district in Saint Louis City (Soulard to be exact). This region of town is known for boozing late into the night and debauchery on Mardi Gras.
Two things I knew coming in when I signed the lease back in August but...I've lived in South City all of my life so I know it is not as nice and comfy as County living with all of your "Lawn must be kept like this, picket fences must be pearl in color or brighter NO CREAM, and most importantly keep the THUGS out." but there are a couple of things I want/need to make my landlord aware of.
1) The apartment <I>constantly</I> smells of stale/old/ just down-right fucking nasty Cigarettes.
When I first moved in and even when I came by to visit the place before deciding on moving in I had thought that the smell was from the previous tenants (two mid-twenties girls). So I left the windows open in the apartment for a few weeks in a (feeble) attempt to fumigate it. Now, I've worked in a bar for 6 years, I've come home smelling like a bar but all it took was a nice shower to get that stank off of me. THIS HITS ME LIKE A TON OF BRICKS EACH TIME I WALK IN THE DOOR AT 5PM!!! I can smell it as I type this right now. I live on the second and third floor of the apartment building/town house. An old woman lives directly below me. She must smoke like a fucking chimney because she looks like Mary Fuckin Poppins if she had a two pack a day habit. My clothing stinks of cigarettes somedays. Everything in the 2nd floor closet (coats, jackets) smell like I lived at a bar. The half-bath wreaks of Parliments and on nice days <B>IT GETS FUCKING WORSE</B> because she opens up her windows and continues to smoke so all that smoke comes up into the air and gets blown STRAIGHT into my apartment.
Let me tell you, I love my apartment. I love where I live. The rent is a little on the low side for a two bedroom 1.5 bath. I'm walking distance from at minimum 20 different bars/clubs. I'm 5 minutes from work, 10 minutes from Mom and Dads repsective homes and 7 minutes from the retirement community my grandmother resides at and 15 from my girlfriend's place (she lives with her mom, no overnights for those of you who would say just stay at her place, uh-uh not gonna happen). (Not to mention but 2 blocks away from the Mardi Gras parade route as well).
My question to you all is this. Do I go to my Landlord and let them know that the tenant below me is making my life unpleasant and that I would like my rent to be reduced since
1) My friends/girlfriend refuse to visit because of the odor.
2) Family members have asked if I do smoke because my clothing wreaks of it constantly.
3) My eyes/mouth/throat are constantly dry from the poor air quality within my residence.
That is item number one.
Number two is this...
Their are birds that have infiltrated the exterior wall outside the third floor east bedroom window and have made a nest there. I've let my landlord know about this and I keep the window open (now) on a regular basis since it is so nice out and I want to keep my energy bills down. I am afraid that one day these creatures will either attack the screen window and enter the bedroom and rest of the apartment or that they will burrow through the existing drywall and enter the apartment that way. Mind you, I know this is in a difficult spot since it is on the third floor above the gutters but I hear the damn things moving around at all hours of the night and cannot sleep past the sun rising because the fuckers come and go like johns at a crack house. I'm half tempted to stick the paintball gun down there and just start shooting but I think their is a law against that.
And third, the reason why this has come to a boiling point for me, some fucking degenerate from the apartment complex behind mine decided to take a rock from the parking pad that is designated for my complexs' usage and etch his first initial into the hood of my car on the passenger side.
Thankfully I'm going to sell the car but now the little prick probably just reduced the trade-in value by $200 because there is now a big fucking "E" on the hood of my car.
If I see that prick, he's getting the paintball gun treatment as well, then a face full of gravel.
So, I pay $750 a month for my apartment, which I thought was fair at the time. My lease is up at the end of august. I really <I>really</I> would like to stay here because of the following.
1) Location Location Location
2) Price
3) City Living
4) Basement Storage (FUCKING TONS OF IT)
5) Don't want to move till I have enough $$$ for a house
To make a long story short (editor - To fucking late)is it to much to ask of my landlord to have my rent reduced by...say $25 a month to cover <I>at minimum</I> the smoking/health issues since these were not disclosed/known prior to move in?
I live in a historic district in Saint Louis City (Soulard to be exact). This region of town is known for boozing late into the night and debauchery on Mardi Gras.
Two things I knew coming in when I signed the lease back in August but...I've lived in South City all of my life so I know it is not as nice and comfy as County living with all of your "Lawn must be kept like this, picket fences must be pearl in color or brighter NO CREAM, and most importantly keep the THUGS out." but there are a couple of things I want/need to make my landlord aware of.
1) The apartment <I>constantly</I> smells of stale/old/ just down-right fucking nasty Cigarettes.
When I first moved in and even when I came by to visit the place before deciding on moving in I had thought that the smell was from the previous tenants (two mid-twenties girls). So I left the windows open in the apartment for a few weeks in a (feeble) attempt to fumigate it. Now, I've worked in a bar for 6 years, I've come home smelling like a bar but all it took was a nice shower to get that stank off of me. THIS HITS ME LIKE A TON OF BRICKS EACH TIME I WALK IN THE DOOR AT 5PM!!! I can smell it as I type this right now. I live on the second and third floor of the apartment building/town house. An old woman lives directly below me. She must smoke like a fucking chimney because she looks like Mary Fuckin Poppins if she had a two pack a day habit. My clothing stinks of cigarettes somedays. Everything in the 2nd floor closet (coats, jackets) smell like I lived at a bar. The half-bath wreaks of Parliments and on nice days <B>IT GETS FUCKING WORSE</B> because she opens up her windows and continues to smoke so all that smoke comes up into the air and gets blown STRAIGHT into my apartment.
Let me tell you, I love my apartment. I love where I live. The rent is a little on the low side for a two bedroom 1.5 bath. I'm walking distance from at minimum 20 different bars/clubs. I'm 5 minutes from work, 10 minutes from Mom and Dads repsective homes and 7 minutes from the retirement community my grandmother resides at and 15 from my girlfriend's place (she lives with her mom, no overnights for those of you who would say just stay at her place, uh-uh not gonna happen). (Not to mention but 2 blocks away from the Mardi Gras parade route as well).
My question to you all is this. Do I go to my Landlord and let them know that the tenant below me is making my life unpleasant and that I would like my rent to be reduced since
1) My friends/girlfriend refuse to visit because of the odor.
2) Family members have asked if I do smoke because my clothing wreaks of it constantly.
3) My eyes/mouth/throat are constantly dry from the poor air quality within my residence.
That is item number one.
Number two is this...
Their are birds that have infiltrated the exterior wall outside the third floor east bedroom window and have made a nest there. I've let my landlord know about this and I keep the window open (now) on a regular basis since it is so nice out and I want to keep my energy bills down. I am afraid that one day these creatures will either attack the screen window and enter the bedroom and rest of the apartment or that they will burrow through the existing drywall and enter the apartment that way. Mind you, I know this is in a difficult spot since it is on the third floor above the gutters but I hear the damn things moving around at all hours of the night and cannot sleep past the sun rising because the fuckers come and go like johns at a crack house. I'm half tempted to stick the paintball gun down there and just start shooting but I think their is a law against that.
And third, the reason why this has come to a boiling point for me, some fucking degenerate from the apartment complex behind mine decided to take a rock from the parking pad that is designated for my complexs' usage and etch his first initial into the hood of my car on the passenger side.
Thankfully I'm going to sell the car but now the little prick probably just reduced the trade-in value by $200 because there is now a big fucking "E" on the hood of my car.
If I see that prick, he's getting the paintball gun treatment as well, then a face full of gravel.
So, I pay $750 a month for my apartment, which I thought was fair at the time. My lease is up at the end of august. I really <I>really</I> would like to stay here because of the following.
1) Location Location Location
2) Price
3) City Living
4) Basement Storage (FUCKING TONS OF IT)
5) Don't want to move till I have enough $$$ for a house
To make a long story short (editor - To fucking late)is it to much to ask of my landlord to have my rent reduced by...say $25 a month to cover <I>at minimum</I> the smoking/health issues since these were not disclosed/known prior to move in?
"An old man dies, a young girl lives, fair trade." - Bruce Willis from Sin City.