The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

  • Not only is the name stupid, so is the trailer

  • Because playing them is not enough, we have to bitch about them daily, too. We had a Gameplay forum, but it got replaced by GameFAQs.
Because playing them is not enough, we have to bitch about them daily, too. We had a Gameplay forum, but it got replaced by GameFAQs.

 #122034  by RentCavalier
 Thu May 22, 2008 12:51 am
I'm still optimistic, Tri-Ace has a great track record and the game LOOKS interesting.

 #122045  by SineSwiper
 Thu May 22, 2008 8:43 am
The voice acting sucks ass. The voices aren't even lip-synced right. I'm beginning to think that Square just doesn't give a shit about the US. They make Japanese games for the Japanese, and if we happen to like it, so be it. Besides, this isn't a Square game. Square just wants to put their name on it and lend them some FMV help.

I'm really sick of these American loser voices announcing their moves every time they do them. We don't do that when we're eating. ("BITE OF FOOD!") We don't do that when we're fighting. ("ULTRA BEER BOTTLE!") Hell, we don't even do that in our comic books. Cyclops just hits his visor and beams come out. He doesn't announce "OPTIC BLAST!" when he's doing it. (Fuck you, Capcom!)

 #122053  by Blotus
 Thu May 22, 2008 10:51 am
SineSwiper wrote: ("BITE OF FOOD!")

 #122054  by Flip
 Thu May 22, 2008 11:56 am
SineSwiper wrote:The voice acting sucks ass. The voices aren't even lip-synced right.
Right... like that wont get polished up...

I'm really sick of these American loser voices announcing their moves every time they do them. We don't do that when we're eating. ("BITE OF FOOD!") We don't do that when we're fighting. ("ULTRA BEER BOTTLE!") Hell, we don't even do that in our comic books. Cyclops just hits his visor and beams come out. He doesn't announce "OPTIC BLAST!" when he's doing it. (Fuck you, Capcom!)
I agree that the screaming moves was, is, and always will be silly. But, they do it in anime all the time, i wouldnt call it an American voice acting thing.

 #122055  by Don
 Thu May 22, 2008 12:45 pm
There is a scene in HXH where Killua was suggesting that if Gon picks a special move with such a long start up time as he did, maybe he shouldn't announce it everytime he's going to use it because everyone will know when it's coming, and Gon replied it wouldn't be right to have a special move without an obligatory announcement. I think that sums up the situation pretty well.

 #122068  by RentCavalier
 Thu May 22, 2008 2:36 pm
It does add a certain type of "feel", if done right.

One Piece does it, and it's totally sweet. But...*shrug*

I've never cared in the Tales games, so Infinite Undiscovery isn't going to bother me with that. I have been promised a game mostly about exploring shit though--I was aniticipating a Skies of Arcadia feel, but I guess not...

Frankly, I really want a good JRPG for the 360. Eternal Sonata has been the best so far, which is funny on multiple levels.

 #122071  by Don
 Thu May 22, 2008 3:13 pm
In most manga it's understood the saying the name part comes out at the same time as the move so there's no bogusness involved.

 #122074  by RentCavalier
 Thu May 22, 2008 4:28 pm
In the anime it's somewhat different. Everyone does it though, so they can make it more threatening or dramatic if they stretch it out.


Then, wabam.

Or when he beat Crocodile. That was sick. One of my favorite, if not my favorite fight of the series.

Pity the torrent site I was getting episodes from has bad torrents. I'm stuck somewhere around 253 and can't watch anymore. *cries*

 #122079  by bovine
 Thu May 22, 2008 8:00 pm

 #122086  by SineSwiper
 Fri May 23, 2008 12:21 am
Flip wrote:I agree that the screaming moves was, is, and always will be silly. But, they do it in anime all the time, i wouldnt call it an American voice acting thing.
Well, that's my point. It's an American voice announcing the move. It's lame. It's stupid. We don't do it here. Stop saying shit like that, because I prefer my moves without shitty names being shouted out for them.

 #122087  by SineSwiper
 Fri May 23, 2008 12:23 am
RentCavalier wrote:Frankly, I really want a good JRPG for the 360. Eternal Sonata has been the best so far, which is funny on multiple levels.
I got bored with it. The reviews were talking about how awesome it was, but the plot was boring and predictable, so I dropped it.

 #122088  by RentCavalier
 Fri May 23, 2008 12:24 am
I was enchanted just by the sheer surreal nature of Eternal Sonata. The story is generic enough, but the basic premise--you living in Chopin's near death experience--as well as the really fun combat and the great graphics, make it a fun time.

Of course, having a cast of eight-year olds does dampen my enthusiasm a bit...

 #122090  by SineSwiper
 Fri May 23, 2008 12:29 am
Gee, when have we had an RPG like that? Kids in RPGs? What a concept!

 #122093  by Don
 Fri May 23, 2008 1:32 am
SineSwiper wrote:
Flip wrote:I agree that the screaming moves was, is, and always will be silly. But, they do it in anime all the time, i wouldnt call it an American voice acting thing.
Well, that's my point. It's an American voice announcing the move. It's lame. It's stupid. We don't do it here. Stop saying shit like that, because I prefer my moves without shitty names being shouted out for them.
English as a language don't really support the idea of a 'cool move'. A lot of the time in Japanese or Chinese they say these things out because the move itself sounds cool (or at least someone thought it was cool). In one of the random stuff I bought, there are moves that are 16 syllables/words long. You could have stuff that's like God Slaying Ultimate Ultra Unlimited, Super Duper Combo Infinity Fire and Ice Extreme Kill and it'd sound okay in Chinese or Japanese, and it's also implicitly understood that longer name = more powerful names, so a 16 syllable move is twice as powerful as an 8 syllable move. For example Naruto learns some new nijitsu, and you don't even need a chart to figure out that it's more powerful than the one he used before before, because it has a longer name. There's a guy named Santana in Captain Tsubasa, he has moves likes:

Arrow Shot
Spiral Shot
Rising Shot
Flying Shot
Arrow Spiral Shot
Arrow Spirial Rising Shot
Arrow Spiral Flying Rising Shot

And it is clearly understood in the context that everytime he powers up, his moves gets longer which signifies that he's using a stronger move than the one before. This is built into the culture and they need to shout out every move to emphasize how long the name of the move is. I think it translates very poorly into English, but if people just do stuff without saying anything, it seems a little bit boring.