Eric wrote:As long as I don't have to play to pay online they can add whatever they want.
I'm sort of along those lines. If they wanna offer exclusive things to paying customers
that are not a part of the core gaming experience and doesn't constitute the majority of the "extras" available (ie. themes, videos, mp3s, wallpaper, etc), I'm coo with that. I mean, IGN has had their Insider stuff for a while. It only became a problem when they decided to feature exclusive interviews/articles only to Insiders (they stopped that quickly after being shat on by their readers) that were a part of their core content. Now it's just certain guides or special types of features, but it isn't insane. But if all of a sudden ALL of the extra shit including interviews, behind-the-scenes stuff, and all of the themes and wallpapers are the exclusive domain of the "Qore" people, then it becomes a problem.
Even Microshaft has had tons of exclusive themes, gamer pics, and contests for their Gold customers. Whatever, if you're getting goosed to play a game your already paid for, they should at least have the common courtesy to give you a reach around. It's the paying to play online and, to a lesser extent, the timed demos (that's really just silly, IMO; it's more of a vindictive move that does nothing but hurt the game) that is "wrong" IMO.