I thought of this from the 7 commendent thing Sine posted. One of the thing it said was don't make your game longer just because you can, and it's okay to have short games if they're priced cheaper. By this I assume they mean like if a game lasts only 5 hours it should sell for $20. This is exactly why games cram in all the meaningless stuff to extend the *play time* because people think they're entitled to a cheaper price tag because a game is shorter. World of Warcraft *only* needs about 10 days (240 hours) to hit level 70 and let's say it costs $100 (regular + expansion). Chrono Trigger sold for $100 if you got it when it was new, and you can potentially blitz through the game in about 10 hours, so I guess by this logic World of Warcraft should either cost $2400 or CT should've cost about $4.
I'm no longer convinced it is possible to sustain greatness over extended amount of time. In light of that I'd rather have something that just have short-lived goodness and be done, then having the same short-lived goodness dispersed intermittently in 50 hours of blandness.
I'm no longer convinced it is possible to sustain greatness over extended amount of time. In light of that I'd rather have something that just have short-lived goodness and be done, then having the same short-lived goodness dispersed intermittently in 50 hours of blandness.