Dutch wrote:Is there actually any proof to support this, or just sore losers making excuses? Kind of strange though, it seems to me that this would be similar to a junior high student lying about their age to enter a high school level academic competition.
Well, younger gymnasts tend to have an advantage over older gymnasts because they are usually more flexible and usually have shorter legs. So events like the seperated bars is easier for them.
So it's not like your example at all, really. The older gymnasts might have a few more years experience, but considering these girls have been training since they were little, the advantage there for the older girls is probably negligible.
There's no proof that they cheated in any other events, but it sure looks like they cheated by violating the rules here. In that case, they need to disqualify this team. If I found out Michael Phelps violated some rule to take part, I'd feel the same way and think they should disqualify him a well. Rules are rules.