Tessian wrote:Andrew, Killer Bee wrote:bovine wrote:I think Andrew is taking all mac-attacks as personal attacks to him. Andrew = Apple Computers.
I'm naming my first-born child Steve, I tell you what.
I'm just a little bit over the relentless attacks not on Apple products (because it's no loss of mine if people don't know better!), but the people that buy them. Call me a sheep again, Flip!
Oh please, the only reason people have a hatred for Apple is because of their douchebag lying in their commercials and the elitism that envelops every Apple fanboy. You're hated because you believe you're better than everyone else because you have a macbook instead of a PC and make that opinion well known.
The rest of this thread is pathetic-- it'd be less so if you all just started arguing who's dick was bigger. In case it needs pointing out... Seek you suck ass at arguing. I read this whole thread in one shot just now (hadn't come in here prior) and all I see is Zeus arguing points, and you either attacking his character or saying stupid ass shit like
Dutch wrote:"Most people will find the iPhone/DS combo vastly superior."
with absolutely nothing to back it up with. No argument, no reasons, no facts... just stupid ass one liners that you have no way to back up or expand upon. Bring some REASON into the debate instead of just saying "No, you're wrong iphones are better" and "I think you're biased therefore I don't have to bother defending my own bias". Feel free to try to attack my bias, but I've been attacking Zeus on other shit all week.
Zeus-- I think you'd get more traction going on Bill O'Reilly's show and trying to convince Bill that Bush sucks
You're an idiot.
The fact that you are holding those whose points you oppose to higher standards than you do yourself makes you a hypocritical idiot. After a tyrade of angry attacks without any basis, you accuse me of being "pathetic" "suck ass at arguing" and saying "stupid ass shit" in the exact same post where you essentially did just that which you are accusing me of.
You are holding me to a standard of backing up the statement that says the "iPhone/DS" combo is superior when I am replying to a statement which essentially just says "the PSP/BB combo is superior". Why are you not critisizing the other side for the exact same reason?
Do you think that you actually THINK that arguing that the PSP is adequate, and that you want to hold things on your lap, not in distance to lick is an actual valid argument? Do you actually think that the difference between a 4.3 inch screen and a 3.5 inch screen is that significant?
Or perhaps stating that I have no experience with Sony products because they compete with Nintendo? Do you think that is a valid argument? Do you think I just happened to guess about all the PSX and PS2 games I have played and praise?
How about calling me an Apple fan and saying I don't praise products not by Apple or Nintendo? When this is obviously false (Just search up my name + Windows Vista, or look down through this forum to see a large number of posts by me discussing games on PSX and PS2; do you honestly think I just made all of this stuff up and just got lucky?
How about saying that Apple only markets to Apple fans? With no backing evidence and the obvious logical flaw that Apple has been a company that has grown at a rocketing pace for the past few years?
Why should I bother giving serious response to these sorts of obviously flawed replies unless asked? I guess I misjudged the intelligence of some of the audience, I expected that Zeus would even understand the flaws in his statements if he re-read them; obviously you didn't though.
No, it is not a problem with my arguing, it is your intelligence. For that reason, along with your insult laden post, and the fact that you are holding me to much higher standards than you hold yourself, and anyone arguing against me, is why I think you're an idiot.