He does make a good point that the developers are starting to make games too easy for the masses and that making games "hard" is an artform. It can never feel cheap or just tough for stupidity sake (something I find on the expert level in Guitar Hero 3). It's always gotta feel like something you can do if you just get that pattern down or learn how to do this one thing. That's when it hits your competitive nature and when it's something you want to do and when it's an accomplishment. It's a very fine line that I think is designed mostly on feel than anything else.
I have to ask this: are people finding Mega Man 9 hard? I think it's a little tough (which I like) but not THAT hard. Certainly not as tough as Zero 1 or 2 or the very tough Ikaruga, old Ghosts 'N Goblins, Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts, or a lot of the really hard games of yesteryear. I made it to Wily's 3rd form in the teleportation room in about 4 1/2 hours (I save it after every play session to keep the bolts I collect so that's my total play time) while only using one E tank (on Plug Man; beat him way out of order) and one M tank (on Wily to get to form 3) I found along the way. That includes about 4 different game sessions in Wily's castle so I've had to "waste" time getting back to the teleportation room 3 additional times. I have now bought 4 E tanks to get through Wily (he's quite tough) mostly because I can't quite get the timing of that first form and I have yet to sit down and play it since Sunday.
This isn't a way for me to brag or anything but I'm just a little surprised with all the talk about the difficult of this and both the old and new BC:RA.