RentCavalier wrote:Legend of The Seeker wrote:I wanna see Titus Pullo kick ass once again... This time with guns.
I second this notion.
Chris wrote:it's ridicuouls. it's over the top. it's a fucking cartoon. if you go in expecting'll be mad.....if you go in wanting to have fun watching the punisher kill poeple in increasingly ridiculous'll love it. turn your brain was fun. it's how the punisher should's an over the top retarded grindhouse flick....slasher film levels of blood from every would, exploding parkour artists, head punches of doom....WHEEE! It's pretty much reading Garth Eniis' Welcome back Frank Castle story....whcih was retardedly awesome....just like the's fucking retarded but fun
That's kinda what I gathered from what little preview they show on TV. And that's kinda why I'm disappointed. Fine, the Punisher is about vigilante justice, with lots of blood and punishment.
But, I really liked the first movie. Here was a Punisher that was both intelligent and still capable of cruelity. By the end of the movie, he makes the villain feel like shit before he drags him out into an explosion. It was a cruel setup that rivaled Cartman's chili episode.
I don't really see this with what I've seen so far, and this review confirms it. It's a shame that they keep changing Punisher actors, and it looks like they are falling back to the Dolph Lundgren version.