Andrew, Killer Bee wrote:Fucking Ubisoft! They've got the most inspired artists in the biz working for the most stubbornly stupid game designers. PoP is beautiful, but so fucking dull to actually play!
I'll give Far Cry 2 another shot some time soon. It didn't grab me the first time I played it.
Dead Space is genuinely, surprisingly amazing. It's about as finely crafted an experience as a Western studio has ever produced, I think.
It's not the game designers at Ubisoft, it's the management. They actually FORCE them to put stuff into a game using a scorecard. That's why you get all these fetch or side quests in games from them that you have to do, they're trying to fit it within this formula they force all their games into. I'll explain it in full some day. Just don't blame the designers, it's often not their fault.
Lotus - get off your ass and beat MM9 you pansy, it ain't THAT hard :-). My friends and I actually just beat MM1, MM2, and MM3 yesterday (took about 4 hours or so) and I can confirm that MM3 is actually a harder game. We played them on the NES so we used the "hold right on controller 2" trick to get through it quickly. If you're up for Left 4 Dead, let me know. I love playing that game online. I'm STILL waiting for someone to play co-op Gears 2 with. I still have that game were you and I left it on Hardcore. Haven't even escorted Dizzy all the way to Landdown yet....