It has me logged out each time I reboot so it's obviously not keeping the login for whatever many days it's supposed to, and this seems to be the only place I go to that has this problem. Has there been any changes to the board recently?
I used to have issues with the marked messages not clearing. Try removing certain cookies tied to
Rosalina: But you didn't. Robert: But I DON'T. Rosalina: You sure that's right? Robert: I was going to HAVE told you they'd come? Rosalina: No. Robert: The subjunctive? Rosalina: That's not the subjunctive. Robert: I don't think the syntax has been invented yet. Rosalina: It would have had to have had been. Robert: Had to have...had...been? That can't be right.
Yeah, Don the issue you're describing has to do with cookies on your PC. For whatever reason your computer isn't saving them between reboots and that's why you have to keep logging in.