I'm at EBgames, I see the title Kirby Superstar Ultra on the shelf (only $29.99) and so immediately I go to grab it for purchase. Then I see it on the used games shelf, since I have on me my EBgames card + a 5 dollars off used game coupon, I grabbed that one instead up along with Dragon Quest Swords. When I get home, I take a look at my Kirby game, and it was Kirby ****ing Squeak Squad!

The boxes sort of resemble each other (that's what I keep telling myself), but I REALLY don't know how I messed this one up. Oh well, thank Allah for the 7 day return policy.

The boxes sort of resemble each other (that's what I keep telling myself), but I REALLY don't know how I messed this one up. Oh well, thank Allah for the 7 day return policy.
-Insert Inspiring Quote-