The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

  • 50 Most Loathsome People 2008

  • Somehow, we still tolerate each other. Eventually this will be the only forum left.
Somehow, we still tolerate each other. Eventually this will be the only forum left.

 #131159  by bovine
 Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:40 pm
that made me feel bad because I was on there.

 #131169  by Tessian
 Tue Jan 13, 2009 5:46 pm
503 Service Temporarily Unavailable

Good job Flip-- you Shrined the server!

 #131183  by SineSwiper
 Tue Jan 13, 2009 8:15 pm
And the first one on the list is: Obama. Do they want to declare themselves a right-wing paper right away or what? Are they trying everything in their power for me to not read their article?

EDIT: Reading it anyway:
TFA wrote:43. You

Charges: You think it’s your patriotic duty to spend money you don’t have on crap you don’t need. You think Hillary lost because of sexism, when it’s actually because she’s just a bad liar. You think Iraq is better off now than before we invaded, and don’t understand why they’re so ungrateful. You think Tim Russert was a great journalist. You’re hopping mad about an auto industry bailout that cost a squirt of piss compared to a Wall Street heist of galactic dimensions, due to a housing crash you somehow have blamed on minorities. It took you six years to figure out what a tool Bush is, but you think Obama will make it all better. You deem it hunky dory that we conduct national policy debates via 8-second clips from “The View.” You think God zapped humans into existence a few thousand years ago, although your appendix and wisdom teeth disagree. You like watching vicious assholes insult each other on TV. You support gun rights, because firing one gives you a chubby. You cuddle falsehoods and resent enlightenment. You think the fact that 43% of whites could stomach voting for an incredibly charismatic and eloquent light-skinned black guy who was raised by white people means racism is over. You think progressive taxation is socialism. 1 in 100 of you are in jail, and you think it should be more. You are shallow, inconsiderate, afraid, brand-conscious, sedentary, and totally self-obsessed. You are American.

Exhibit A: You’re more upset by Miley Cyrus’s glamour shots than the fact that you are a grown adult who is upset about Miley Cyrus.

Sentence: Invaded and occupied by Canada; all military units busy overseas without enough fuel to get back.

 #131185  by bovine
 Tue Jan 13, 2009 8:35 pm
the best part is the sentence. It sounds like something out of axis and allies.

 #131186  by Tessian
 Tue Jan 13, 2009 8:46 pm
Sine... obviously you didn't read all of them. Obama's just #50, look at who's #1-4

#1: Palin
#2: McCain
#3: Hannity
#4: George Bush

Right wing, huh?

 #131187  by SineSwiper
 Tue Jan 13, 2009 8:47 pm
Yeah, it looks like they are attacking both sides fairly.
TFA wrote:31. Stephenie Meyer

Charges: She’s the unforgivably perky Mormon mom who wrote the Twilight Series of books, currently draining IQ points from Western Civilization. This silly wank-off vampire fantasy for teenage girls has been embraced by legions of sad, middle-aged women who fight for access to their daughters’ sticky copies of the books. It’s an embarrassing spectacle for all Americans who aren’t actively participating in it. Meyer admits she can't handle the better class of vampires and has never watched a whole vampire movie, even the more anemic kind: “I've seen little pieces of Interview with a Vampire when it was on TV, but I kind of always go YUCK! I don't watch R-rated movies, so that really cuts down on a lot of the horror. And I think I've seen a couple of pieces of The Lost Boys, which my husband liked, and he wanted me to watch it once, but I was like, ‘It's creepy!’”

Exhibit A: The hit movie version of Twilight, featuring Meyer’s dreary characters, a tiresome teenage girl and the pathetic “vegetarian” vampire who loves her, mooning around on first base for two hours and giving vampires everywhere a bad name.

Sentence: Meyer encounters a non-vegetarian vampire, who kills her immediately and gruesomely in front of an appreciative audience of horror film fans.
TFA wrote:But Alan Greenspan, super-genius guru of the glorious realm of the self-regulating free market, is totally flummoxed. Refusing to accept any blame for years as the housing bubble, long-predicted by out-of-favor economic realists, bloated and burst, only recently has Greenspan accepted even marginal responsibility, admitting only that he was “partially” wrong, professing a state of “shocked disbelief” that lenders couldn’t regulate themselves, and thinking to himself, “This isn’t how it worked in Atlas Shrugged!”
LOL, a Ayn Rand reference. Funny, we were just talking about Bioshock...

 #131410  by SineSwiper
 Sat Jan 17, 2009 11:36 pm
Heh, still reading some of the earlier ones. I shall now use this as a biography of any person I hate.

 #131437  by Flip
 Sun Jan 18, 2009 12:02 pm
As i read it myself, i did think that you, in particular, would find this article entertaining. :)