Californians, you fucking lizards call that cold?!
Just got back from my parents' place. Need to unpack a bit and unwind. Glad that we got our power back and can go back to normal.
We had the windstorms in Louisville last Sept (from Ike), and it knocked out the power. We had to worry about the heat, and the fridge/freezer food melting, but we could live there. With this, we were there for maybe 6 hours before we just said "Fuck this cold shit!", packed up, and move over to my folks' place.
Funny thing is that when we were dealing with the food in the fridge, the fridge food was fine (at 45F in the house), and the solution to the freezer food was to put it in a cooler outside (at 15F). We didn't really lose any food, but we couldn't stand to live there.
Rosalina: But you didn't.
Robert: But I DON'T.
Rosalina: You sure that's right?
Robert: I was going to HAVE told you they'd come?
Rosalina: No.
Robert: The subjunctive?
Rosalina: That's not the subjunctive.
Robert: I don't think the syntax has been invented yet.
Rosalina: It would have had to have had been.
Robert: Had to have...had...been? That can't be right.