That's why it falls under "entertainment" rather than "news". That's all most newspapers and "news" shows are nowadays anywaysKupek wrote:Thoughts? It has no impact on us and is not worth thinking about. The only purpose to publishing this story is to grab your attention.
Thats a very narrow view that i wouldnt have expected to see from you. I guess we should never talk about any future plane crashes, natural disasters, or even foreign wars since it doesnt really affect us.Kupek wrote:Thoughts? It has no impact on us and is not worth thinking about. The only purpose to publishing this story is to grab your attention.
I'm not sure you ought to be involved that heavily in other people's reproductive rights, Flip.Flip wrote:Thats a very narrow view that i wouldnt have expected to see from you. I guess we should never talk about any future plane crashes, natural disasters, or even foreign wars since it doesnt really affect us.Kupek wrote:Thoughts? It has no impact on us and is not worth thinking about. The only purpose to publishing this story is to grab your attention.
Personally i think this is crazy, there should be laws against it that force an abortion.
I find the idea of a forced abortion just as disturbing as outlawing them.Flip wrote:Thats a very narrow view that i wouldnt have expected to see from you. I guess we should never talk about any future plane crashes, natural disasters, or even foreign wars since it doesnt really affect us.Kupek wrote:Thoughts? It has no impact on us and is not worth thinking about. The only purpose to publishing this story is to grab your attention.
Personally i think this is crazy, there should be laws against it that force an abortion.
Then what about using this story as an example of how the lack of responsibility enforced onto our children (by definition, nurturing is the enforcement of non-instinctual behaviour) by a coddling society (and, by extension, parents) is allowing what would be considered by most to be unacceptable and irresponsible behaviour to be publicized and, in many ways, celebrated? You could use the Octomom story - another story that has no direct impact on us - as another point of reference to strengthen that viewpoint in such an argument. If we agree that all members of a society have an obligation to the overall health of that society and if such behaviour is occurring on a wide scale with these two stories as simply an example used to make a point rather than statistical outliers, you could go on and eventually discuss how the erosion of old-fashion morals in our society is leading to some very selfish behaviour which has serious negative effects on society as a whole (ie. who do you think is eventually going to pay for Octomom's $1.5M hospital bill?) even though it benefits the individual.Kupek wrote:Some things that have no direct impact on us aren't worth thinking about. Some are. Learning to differentiate the two is a useful skill.
How about you go propose that to your governing body. Let me know how that works out for you.Flip wrote: Personally i think this is crazy, there should be laws against it that force an abortion.
Using "voyeristic entertainment" to lead to more serious discussions about the erosion of society is a waste of time? Trying to bring to light the real issue which, IMO, has a very serious negative effect on our society rather than a superficial sensationalistic story is a waste of time?Kupek wrote:Those are exactly the kind of discussions that I think are a waste of time, because you're using anecdotes as basis for trends. That's not discussing the issues, that's grabbing a sensationalistic story and using it to push an agenda.
Personally, the only discussion that I do think is worthwhile that comes out of these stories is how much of the "news" is voyeuristic entertainment. Reading or watching news about these child-parents, the octuplet mom, and the latest child abduction featured on Nancy Grace is voyeurism.
If you honestly think I only want to hear news that has a "visible, direct" impact on me, then either you are misunderstanding what I am saying, or I'm phrasing myself poorly. I said it has no impact on me. None. Wars, natural disasters, the economy - these have indirect impacts on me, and the rest of society. They are newsworthy. But this story is no more newsworthy than Britney Spears bashing a car with golf clubs.
Again, they're an example of a deeper problem and not the source of a trend.Andrew, Killer Bee wrote:"These types of discussions" are a waste of time because they're completely divorced from reality. Some random human mothering octuplets + two idiot kids producing offspring do not grand trends make. You think society is falling to bits; fine. What have you got to prove it other than innate curmudgeonry and these two ridiculous examples?