The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

  • Twisted irony.

  • Somehow, we still tolerate each other. Eventually this will be the only forum left.
Somehow, we still tolerate each other. Eventually this will be the only forum left.
 #132669  by Eric
 Tue Feb 17, 2009 12:43 am ... index.html

The founder of an Islamic television station in upstate New York aimed at countering Muslim stereotypes has confessed to beheading his wife, authorities said.

Muzzammil Hassan was charged with second-degree murder after police found the decapitated body of his wife, Aasiya Hassan, at the Bridges TV station in the Buffalo suburb of Orchard Park, said Andrew Benz, Orchard Park's police chief.

Hassan was arrested Thursday.

His wife filed for divorce January 6, and police had responded to several domestic violence calls at the couple's home, Benz said.

Hassan went directly to the police station after his wife's death and confessed to killing her, Benz told CNN. Benz declined to give further details.

Attempts to reach an attorney for Hassan were unsuccessful, and his family didn't return calls from CNN.

He had two children, 4 and 6, with his wife. He had two other children, 17 and 18, from his previous marriage.

He launched Bridges TV, billed as the first English-language cable channel targeting Muslims inside the United States, in 2004. At the time, Hassan said he hoped the network would balance negative portrayals of Muslims following the attacks of September 11, 2001.

The station's staff is "deeply shocked and saddened by the murder of Aasiya Hassan and the subsequent arrest of Muzzammil Hassan," a statement from Bridges TV said.

"Our deepest condolences and prayers go out to the families of the victim," the statement said.

 #132673  by RentCavalier
 Tue Feb 17, 2009 1:05 am
Holy dogshit.

That's really darkly fuckin' funny.

 #132678  by Andrew, Killer Bee
 Tue Feb 17, 2009 2:35 am
It's ironic, sure. To find a woman getting beheaded by her husband funny, though? That's fucked up.

 #132681  by Julius Seeker
 Tue Feb 17, 2009 6:42 am
Reminds me of an episode of South Park.

 #132691  by Mental
 Tue Feb 17, 2009 8:50 am
Yeah, you beat me to it, Eric.

"The founder of an Islamic television station in upstate New York aimed at countering Muslim stereotypes has confessed to beheading his wife"...


 #132730  by SineSwiper
 Wed Feb 18, 2009 7:03 am
Andrew, Killer Bee wrote:It's ironic, sure. To find a woman getting beheaded by her husband funny, though? That's fucked up.
It's the irony that's funny. This is more like dark humor, and it's okay to laugh at dark humor, considering you're not a member of the family or anything.

 #132745  by Mental
 Wed Feb 18, 2009 8:31 am
To be honest, I'm surprised there hasn't been more coverage of this. Stuff like this usually gets plastered everywhere, fast, as an excuse for the Christian right to hate Islam...

 #132747  by Lox
 Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:05 am
Replay wrote:as an excuse for the Christian right to hate Islam... about no? It's usually plastered everywhere as an excuse for sensationalist news. Big difference. Besides, since when does the general media ever cover anything for the "Christian right"?

 #132751  by Mental
 Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:54 am
Sorry. That's a clearer-headed analysis, you're right.

Forgive me, I've been blogging on the Newsweek boards for a year or so now, and you would not *believe* some of the shit you read on those things.

 #132752  by Lox
 Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:08 am
Not a problem. :)

I can only imagine some of the stuff on those boards. The Internet is great, but it gives a voice to way too many ignorant people (on both sides of every issue, too).

 #132753  by Mental
 Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:11 am
True, but it also provides somewhat of a safety valve, I think - people who have access to a soapbox may be less likely to bottle it all up inside and then go kill a few dozen people (or more).

 #132754  by Lox
 Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:24 am
hahaha...true.......I hope.

 #132834  by SineSwiper
 Thu Feb 19, 2009 9:51 pm
Lox about no? It's usually plastered everywhere as an excuse for sensationalist news. Big difference. Besides, since when does the general media ever cover anything for the "Christian right"?
Right to Life posters. Prop 8. The 700 Club. The Family Research Council. Focus on the Family. FOX News. Jerry Falwell. The Christian Coalition. Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Just because you happen to be a Christian doesn't mean you should ignore the sheer popularity of Christian-based issues that surface towards the general media. You don't get to pretend that Christianity isn't the US's most popular religion (by far), and that religion doesn't invade the political landscape every waking minute of every day.

Just take Roe vs. Wade: a 40-year-old decision that has been in the forefront of politics since before it was even decided. Supreme Court justices are handpicked SOLELY on how they lean towards this issue.

Where's the voice of the Faithless Left? Richard Hawkins and Bill Maher? Please. When was the last time anybody seriously talked about removing God from dollar bills and the pledge?

And what about unpopular religions? If schools think that they can post the Ten Commandments, which include such gems as "Do not have any other gods before me" and "I the Lord your God am a jealous God, punishing children for the iniquity of parents" (along with multiple references to slavery), why can't they post the The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth?

Look, I'm fine with whatever you believe in, but don't ignore the massive influence your religion has on this country.

 #132862  by Lox
 Fri Feb 20, 2009 9:50 am
Sine, you may think my view is slanted based on my beliefs, but it's clear (based on this and previous posts) that yours is just as much but from a very different point of view. It's not really worth debating it because it won't really lead anywhere.

Let's agree to disagree. Then we can discuss Heroes where I can garauntee we'll agree. :)

 #132872  by Mental
 Fri Feb 20, 2009 10:33 am
Let me cast my vote to retract the whole discussion, if I can.

I see too much holy war already when I go political blogging and manifestly apologize for my own's too nice a day, but it won't be if we all start bitching about our various mythologies.

 #132878  by Julius Seeker
 Fri Feb 20, 2009 11:18 am
Christianity and conservatism are two different things. A person can be Christian and liberal, or atheist and conservative.

Satanism as it exists today is just a screwed up Christian based sub-culture for preteen rejects.
Last edited by Julius Seeker on Fri Feb 20, 2009 11:46 am, edited 2 times in total.

 #132879  by Lox
 Fri Feb 20, 2009 11:24 am
Replay wrote:Let me cast my vote to retract the whole discussion, if I can.

I see too much holy war already when I go political blogging and manifestly apologize for my own's too nice a day, but it won't be if we all start bitching about our various mythologies.
Yeah, I'm fine with that. :) As I basically said in my reply, I'm cool with agreeing to disagree. Consider my end dropped!

 #132908  by Mental
 Sat Feb 21, 2009 8:42 am
RentCavalier wrote:I think we're all forgetting the true power in the universe.
Ignorance? Greed? Pornography? :)

Oh, nm, just saw that link in your post after all.

 #132926  by SineSwiper
 Sun Feb 22, 2009 9:49 am
Lox wrote:Sine, you may think my view is slanted based on my beliefs, but it's clear (based on this and previous posts) that yours is just as much but from a very different point of view. It's not really worth debating it because it won't really lead anywhere.

Let's agree to disagree. Then we can discuss Heroes where I can garauntee we'll agree. :)
You know, I wasn't really being harsh in that argument. In fact, I think I had very good points, and rebuked your question rather well. However, instead of trying to have a valid debate on the issue, you choose the easy route and ignore what I said on the basis that I'm biased.

I think it really is a cop out. If you're going to end any religious argument with something akin to "it's a Christian thing, you wouldn't understand", then you must be afraid that the right questions might prove you wrong. What's the point of religion if you can't ask questions about it?

Hell, I'm not even talking about Christianity directly. I'm only talking about the sheer amount of media exposure to it.

 #132932  by Kupek
 Sun Feb 22, 2009 11:05 am
Maybe he doesn't want to have a debate because us and the rest of the internet have already done it more times than we can count, and it hasn't lead to much. He was trying to politely end the discussion, not say "you wouldn't understand."

 #132947  by Lox
 Sun Feb 22, 2009 4:18 pm
Kupek is exactly right. Did you think I was being harsh in my reply? I thought it was pretty clear that I was ending the conversation not because I was afraid of where it would go or because I think you "wouldn't understand" but because it's not worth getting into. I even added the Heroes comment and the smiley, Sine! Sheesh!

I don't want to debate this and I especially don't want to debate this with you. That's not meant to be an insult, but we all know your personality and it's just not worth it. I've debated similar topics with people in real life (and that's harder than anonymously on the Internet), but I know that doing that here with you is pointless.

I am a bit annoyed that you'd assume I'd use a cop out in fear that I would "lose". The fact that your mind immediately went there supports my decision to just end it early. For one, I'm not ever worried about losing a debate on any Christian issue. Ever. In the end, I don't believe it's about me, so I don't care how I look at the end. Secondly, how many religious discussions have we had in the last couple years where I didn't end it like this? As far as I know, this is the first time I've said "let's agree to disagree". Heck, I've debated with Seeker and most people here won't even argue with him about small stuff like movies. As Kupek said, I was being polite, not saying you wouldn't "get it" because you're not a Christian.

 #132948  by SineSwiper
 Sun Feb 22, 2009 4:21 pm
Look, I'm just trying to understand why people feel this way. Why is it when agnostics and atheists feel bombarded with religion and religious politics, the majority of Christians say "What are you talking about?" I've talked with others that give me similar replies, and don't really give a straight answer.

Why would anybody say "Besides, since when does the general media ever cover anything for the Christian right?" What would compel a person to say that? Do they really believe it or was it just a slip of the tongue? I seriously want to know.

 #132950  by Kupek
 Sun Feb 22, 2009 5:02 pm
Confirmation bias. I don't agree with his assessment, but he's made it clear he'd rather not get into it. So let him drop it.

 #132951  by Lox
 Sun Feb 22, 2009 5:22 pm
Don't get me wrong, Sine. I'm not mad that you disagree with me or anything. You have valid questions, but I don't think my responses or the discussion it would turn into would lead anywhere fruitful. That's all.

I don't know if anywhere here knows this, but I was an atheist for several years. From about 1994-2002. I just don't remember ever feeling bombarded, but maybe I just didn't notice it. And as a Christian today, I feel bombarded by the opposite.

To answer your last question - perhaps my original statement was slight hyperbole. I'll accept that. However, I honestly do feel that there is just as much or slightly more information presented by the media that is anti-Christian as there is media presented that is pro. I'm still not aiming to get into a discussion on it, but I thought you might appreciate a serious answer to your question.

 #132952  by SineSwiper
 Sun Feb 22, 2009 5:34 pm
Frankly, I think there's plenty of anti-Muslim media than anything else. Any illusion of anti-Christianity is usually a reaction to something pro-Christianity (Ten Commandments, nativity scene, other church/state arguments).

 #132964  by Mental
 Mon Feb 23, 2009 9:07 am
No, actually, Sine, there's plenty of anti-Christian hatred out there.

I try to avoid being furious with the whole religion - it can be hard when a good portion of it would condemn me to death for my sexuality - but I'll cop to it, I can be VERY anti-Christian these days.

I feel like the religion is anti-me, and I find it hard to try to adopt some sort of viewpoint of "Christian" tolerance towards most Christians when my sense is that a good number of them would point to a certain Leviticus quote if they could and go "off with his head".

But I try not to hate on anyone for their religious beliefs - I try not to hate anyone in general, these days - so I agree with the people saying we should just drop the bitching at each other.

 #132967  by Julius Seeker
 Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:17 am
The recent anti-Islam movement is much more US nationalist fever than some product of any current Christian administration. Also, I live in one of the most Christian places in Canada and don't feel overwhelmed by Christianity (I was raised non-religious, am still non-religious, my parents and grandparents were non religious). The only time it ever bothered me was back when I was a young teenager who wanted to criticize a major part of the local culture; even when it had no real effect on me).

Again, don't mix up Conservatism and Christianity.

 #133113  by SineSwiper
 Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:05 am
Seeker's List wrote:Again, don't mix up Conservatism and Christianity.
It's kinda hard not to when they mix so often. I'm a politico head, so when I say that Christianity overwhelms the rest of us, I'm usually taking about the politics. And with that does come the media, too. Let's look at the topics that surround us:

Ten Commandments - Definitely a Christian argument
Abortion - Mostly Christian; at least the sides seem split that way
Gay Rights - Again, a completely religious argument. It wouldn't have even been a problem if the "God Hates Fags" wackos were so up in arms about LEGAL MARRIAGE being extended to gays. (If you don't want gays getting married in your church, I don't give a fuck, but let them legally marry.)
War in Iraq - Some religious intolerance surrounds this, but this is more a Muslim extremist problem than a Christian extremist issue. However, the two extreme sides are definitely against each other.
War on (some) Drugs - Yeah, this is more of a Conservatism argument, though I can't shake this feeling that the PDFA is run by a bunch of Christian extremist mothers.
Evolution - Another Christian argument.
Global Warming - More of a Conservatism argument.

And the biggest one to worry about:

The End Times - Just how many people believe in the End Times, and how many believe that it's going to happen very soon? How many of those people have taken office? How many of those people have made decisions that were only for the short term, because they believe that we're going to hit the End Times in a few years?

This one is very, very scary to me. I really wonder how much of the Bush administration's (and some of the Republicans') decisions were based on that thought. Why care about the budget, if rapture is coming soon? Why not start some wars to bring down Islamic culture, since rapture is coming soon? Don't care about the future of your kids, because Jesus is going to come down and save us all soon.

Think about it.

 #133118  by RentCavalier
 Fri Feb 27, 2009 11:34 am

This is turning into "Religulous" really fuckin' quickly.

For my part, I hate Christianity almost as much as I hate Judaism, Jainism, Islam, The Dutch, and Asparagus, but I'm on Lox's side here. I do feel that there's a lot of unfair criticism directed towards Christians and Christianity--and although I really wish they'd stop whining about being "oppressed"--I do sympathize with some of their current plights.

Frankly, though, I think if Jesus ever did come back and see what Christianity has become, he'd likely just turn right back around and not look back.

 #133123  by Lox
 Fri Feb 27, 2009 1:21 pm
RentCavalier wrote:Frankly, though, I think if Jesus ever did come back and see what Christianity has become, he'd likely just turn right back around and not look back.
With the way most people who call themselves Christians act, it's tough for me to disagree. Not that I'm perfect or don't say/do stupid stuff, but I don't think enough people get that the point of Christianity is to live like Jesus not use it as your sandbox for your own personal hate crusades or opinions.

Also, why the asparagus hate? I love asparagus. Makes your pee smell funny, too. haha

 #133125  by RentCavalier
 Fri Feb 27, 2009 3:05 pm
Lox wrote:
With the way most people who call themselves Christians act, it's tough for me to disagree. Not that I'm perfect or don't say/do stupid stuff, but I don't think enough people get that the point of Christianity is to live like Jesus not use it as your sandbox for your own personal hate crusades or opinions.

Also, why the asparagus hate? I love asparagus. Makes your pee smell funny, too. haha
It is a disgusting vegetable. I mean, holy crap--it's like eating slime covered mucous wrapped around a mushy noodle. And it makes your piss smell like shit. WTF.

And yes to everything before that.

 #133126  by Lox
 Fri Feb 27, 2009 3:51 pm
Have you ever had them soaked in butter? They're good like that. Of course, any vegetable becomes better when soaked in butter.

 #133127  by RentCavalier
 Fri Feb 27, 2009 3:59 pm
Lox wrote:Have you ever had them soaked in butter? They're good like that. Of course, any vegetable becomes better when soaked in butter.
Nothing can make Asparagus tasty. You could wrap them in million-dollar bills and have them slowly fed to me by barely-clad Nubian consorts, trained in the arts of pleasure, and I would STILL not like them.

 #133128  by Shellie
 Fri Feb 27, 2009 4:01 pm
Do we need to split this off to an Asparagus thread? lol

 #133129  by RentCavalier
 Fri Feb 27, 2009 4:08 pm
Seraphina wrote:Do we need to split this off to an Asparagus thread? lol
Well, if we were gonna split this thread, we would have likely done it around the time there was the big religious debate. I think Asparagus is about as on-topic as anything else around here.

 #133130  by Lox
 Fri Feb 27, 2009 4:22 pm
I'm all for an asparagus thread. I'm saddened that Rent is a 'sparagus-hater. heh

 #133139  by SineSwiper
 Sat Feb 28, 2009 1:35 am
Damn, way to derail the thread, Rent.

 #133144  by Blotus
 Sat Feb 28, 2009 11:33 am
Vote to ban Rent for going off-topic!

 #133159  by Anarky
 Sun Mar 01, 2009 6:07 am
RentCavalier wrote:
Lox wrote:Have you ever had them soaked in butter? They're good like that. Of course, any vegetable becomes better when soaked in butter.
Nothing can make Asparagus tasty. You could wrap them in million-dollar bills and have them slowly fed to me by barely-clad Nubian consorts, trained in the arts of pleasure, and I would STILL not like them.


I eat asparagus all the time with other veggies :thumbup:

 #133160  by Anarky
 Sun Mar 01, 2009 6:17 am
After my assistance to the derailing I have a few thoughts.

I come from a household where my father is an Atheist and my mother and sister are Christians. I fall somewhere in that mix. I think both sides attack one another at times, and each has beliefs the other side does not share.

I think the comment about what would Jesus think about coming back to his religion makes a lot of sense. I don't think Jesus necessarily wanted to form a church or religion, I always thought the purpose of his life was to teach others how to live a life where you give back and don't walk around being a douchebag.

I'm not a religious person and I probably fall more under the category of an atheist, but I don't need a reason (heaven/hell) to love my neighbor and help him out when times are tough

Anyways, I have no amazing point, just up at 3am trying to make a brilliant post and failing

 #133169  by Mental
 Sun Mar 01, 2009 4:43 pm
Man, is this debate civilized. I think we should all get props for being so calm about the whole thing, compared to the world average.

Anyone wants to see what the larger national debate is like, check the comments on this Newsweek story:

Warning: it is not enlightening reading, nor is it likely to make you feel better about the future. I come out of reading those things wanting to get a lead-covered bunker together, sometimes.

 #133172  by Anarky
 Sun Mar 01, 2009 8:46 pm
Replay wrote:Man, is this debate civilized. I think we should all get props for being so calm about the whole thing, compared to the world average.
I thought the same thing reading this last night, I was expecting some yelling and hurt feelings but very well handled on all sides.

 #133178  by Kupek
 Sun Mar 01, 2009 11:18 pm
If you describe asparagus as slimy, then I don't think you've ever had well-prepared asparagus. Good asparagus still has a crunch to it.

 #133179  by Lox
 Sun Mar 01, 2009 11:24 pm
Kupek wrote:If you describe asparagus as slimy, then I don't think you've ever had well-prepared asparagus. Good asparagus still has a crunch to it.
My wife cooks a mean asparagus. I had never had it until I got married and I assumed I'd hate it, but it's awesome.

 #133185  by Zeus
 Sun Mar 01, 2009 11:45 pm
Kupek wrote:If you describe asparagus as slimy, then I don't think you've ever had well-prepared asparagus. Good asparagus still has a crunch to it.
Yeah, mushy asparagus is God-awful. It has to have some level of firmness to it or its like eating retirement-home food.

And Rent, asparagus is actually one of the most tasty veges out there. You just have to have it prepared properly (ie. not mushy). All you really need is a squeeze of lemon and a dash of salt. Mmmmm

 #133223  by SineSwiper
 Mon Mar 02, 2009 7:55 pm
Anarky wrote:I think the comment about what would Jesus think about coming back to his religion makes a lot of sense. I don't think Jesus necessarily wanted to form a church or religion, I always thought the purpose of his life was to teach others how to live a life where you give back and don't walk around being a douchebag.
"I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are not like your Christ." -- Gandhi

 #133224  by Mental
 Mon Mar 02, 2009 8:38 pm
A good cooked asparagus ought to be tender, but with just a hint of its original crispness and snap, I feel.

I usually enjoy it with a wonderful garlic butter sauce but have seen it used to GREAT effect chopped up in gourmet salads too.

If there's one thing Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Confucians, Shinto, Jains, Ba'hai, agnostics, atheists, nihilists, Satanists and Scientologists, Taoists, Zoroastrians, druids, voodoo shamans, tribal medicine men, New Age psychics, observant Jedi, transhuman futurists, Flying Spaghetti Monster worshippers, and the Aboriginal Dreamtime can all agree on, it's the value of a great batch of cooked asparagus.