Replay wrote:So I tried to bypass infantry development altogether, but I made the "mistake" of maxing out my Merchant Skill already (I took two points in Sage first, which I have to say is looking like a decent investment so far) and so I'm running a gnarly surplus, more than I can spend by teching to cavalry for another day or two. That last 10% for Merchant 3 makes a difference. As a result I need to pump some of it into my army or tech, because I'm still surrounded by tougher nations and don't want to be sitting on a pile of resources.
Any ideas? My building queue is full as full can be but I still have a couple levels on Barracks and Training Ground to go before I can build a Stables...
Use the rest of the money to build Quickwalkers. After you do, start sending spy missions to the people that fucked you over. Quickwalkers will kill each other in a 1:1 ratio, and if you eliminate his quickwalkers (and defend your castle with quickwalkers so that his spy missions fail), he won't attack you. People don't like attacking without some spy information.
You do risk losing those quickwalkers on an invasion, but they are cheap and easy to make.
EDIT: Don't ever upgrade Swords/Mace/Axe men. They suck completely. Pikemen are okay, and you use try to upgrade to attack 5, so that they can hide behind a tank unit and kill off the cavalry. Also, Longbowmen suck, too. Units that don't suck:
Pikemen - Awesome against cavalry, and fairly cheap to make
Shortbowmen - Cheapest unit in the game with fair amounts of damage in all categories, obsolete later on, but still worth having in some quantities
Crossbowmen - Best archer in the game. Better range than SBM and the cost/dmg ratio is comparable to the SBM, and only exceeded by the HC. You must have many of these units in any army.
Quickwalkers - Needed for spying; enough said
Light Cavalry - Quickest attack unit in the game with the most carrying capacity. I've been finding these guys useful for raiding the inactive lv0/1/2 castles without walls.
Heavy Cavalry - Pure, raw power. By far, the best cost/dmg ratio of any unit (except for cavalry, which Pikemen have), especially when the HP is factored. Only downsides are the range, the attack order, and vulnerability to Pikemen.
Warmage - Wall knockers. Wizards are easy to upgrade, so it's trivial to get their attack to max and get about 15 of these guys to knock down just about any wall, saving the first turn of wizard spells on the other units, instead of wasting it on the wall. Downsides: low HP, and it doesn't do anything else (except tank, which I use for my Pikemen).
Arcanists - Your bread and butter of wizards. Easy to upgrade to max power and comes with a decent amount of HP. The cost/dmg is average, and is beat by units like the HC, CBM, and even SBM. However, the big advantage is being first one in the attack order, which is good for PREVENTING damage, eliminating damage dealers before they even get to attack.
Noblemen - Takes over castles; enough said.
The rest of them: DO NOT BUILD! Maybe build some sword/mace/axe men for cannon fodder, but not in large quantities, and certainly don't waste any money on upgrades for these units.