1. There is a misconception I want to clear up. When I was talking about Infantry not being useless, I had just started playing and was using the terminology in the sense that when you click on upgrades, for instance, you see Infantry, Cavalry, and Mystics, and nothing for Archers. So I was including Archers in that terminology - it's somewhat inconsistent throughout the game. I had assumed you all meant to skip everything from the Barracks, and just go for Cavalry, which obviously isn't the way to be.
Somehow, that got twisted around to mean that I was going to have an "infantry-based" army, which was never on the agenda. I had always planned to have Cavalry, the only thing I really said IIRC is that I wasn't going to bypass infantry entirely. And my infantry, as distinct from archers, have not been useless. They're very helpful IMO at the beginning for cracking open the inevitable 200/5 shortbow/swordsman army with the level 1 or 2 wall without suffering much attrition - and the reason that's good, even though the cost of the Swordsmen I was losing was somewhat close to the Shortbowmen I would have lost instead (though still not as high), is because you save training time on the Swordsmen as opposed to the Shortbowmen. Like I said, I'm training constantly, and I would have lost out on quite a bit of carrying capacity and raiding potential if I'd had to wait for a lot of Shortbowmen to train or pump my Barracks for extra speed.
Obviously, I have Crossbowmen and Arcanists now, so my Infantry have become useful mostly as just strawmen for your rank-manipulating strat.
2. I dispute your assertion that experience doesn't matter. The most important reason is that in the end, your experience is your score (AFAIK), and your clan ranking is based on everyone's experience. So even if skills development is not crucial, the score is.
Also, it got me to Scout 3 more quickly, and Scout 3 basically doubles your raiding potential.
3. I agree, Iron is useless later, and Wood is always out of stock. So I have my lumbermill pumped way past my farms and goldmine, and my iron mine is far behind.
I think some of our analysis has been focusing too much on sheer power. It's really the ability to make multiple raids successfully and build up an army efficiently that increases resources per day, and so every bit of training time and every lost unit makes a big difference. I haven't been in a huge cataclysmic battle yet where I needed every scrap of power I could muster, but I have been in plenty of tiny ones where the goal is to minimize attrition, and I've done that...since my original Shortbowmen got lost/ganked I haven't suffered more than maybe three or four dozen lost units in the course of raiding for many times their worth in resources.
Anyway, I just had my first major bunker-bust against a level 9 wall, with only 6 Arcanists in my Legion of Somewhat Moderate Damage (as opposed to your Legion of Doom), to the tune of grabbing about 8k in resources, with a total of 1 Axeman and 1 Pikeman lost.

That strawman strat is the best thing you've come up with, it's probably tripled my resouce intake.
One thing I want to mention is that you don't need to have enough power to bring down the wall in one shot. Walls, unlike units, can only hit a single group at a time, so if you use a single Infantry strawman of each of the four groups, you can get four rounds of wall-smashing in before the rest of your army gets exposed to risk. Hence why I just took down a 6750 strength wall with only 6 Arcanists and about 160 Longbow/Crossbowmen. And I plan to milk that shit for all it is worth.