For the same price as buying them on XBLA, you can just get a disc that has both of them on it....and you don't even need a copy of GTA4 to play them ... -announced
So not only does actually have transferable value but you don't even need to spend coin on the original game to play it. So you can even sell your original copy of GTA4 to help pay for this if you've already finished the crap out of it and just want to play the expansions.
Not to mention you'll likely be able to get this used within a month or two after release for 20-40% off the price. And once it stops selling they'll discount it too.
I see absolutely zero incentive to downloading these expansions now. ... -announced
So not only does actually have transferable value but you don't even need to spend coin on the original game to play it. So you can even sell your original copy of GTA4 to help pay for this if you've already finished the crap out of it and just want to play the expansions.
Not to mention you'll likely be able to get this used within a month or two after release for 20-40% off the price. And once it stops selling they'll discount it too.
I see absolutely zero incentive to downloading these expansions now.
I was there on that fateful day, were you?